chief executive officer

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

chief executive officer

最高業務執行役員 最高経営責任者 CEO (経営戦略や経営ビジョンを決める企業のトップ。米国では、CEOが会長を兼ねることが多い)

chief executive officerの用例

Corporate chief executive officers are apt to depend on the results of customer surveys to determine their production plans.

In a news conference, Sony President and Chief Executive Officer Kazuo Hirai indicated his unflagging resolve to realize the rebirth the firm’s electronics division.

In a U.S. presidential debate, former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Officer Carly Florina made her presence felt.

Nissan Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn is also the president of Renault.

The firm’s financial statements did not properly disclose important information concerning the fund misappropriation incident by its former chief executive officer.

There is no need to change our capital alliance with Renault, Nissan Motor Co. Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said.

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