
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

civil code

民法 民法典 (=civil law:⇒revised Civil Code)

civil codeの関連語句

civil codeの用例

According to the Article 714 of the Civil Code, guardians are responsible for damages caused by actions of people without capacity assume liability, including dementia, if the guardians fail to properly supervise them.

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, a provision in the Civil Code, which stipulates the share of inheritance given to a child born out of wedlock shall be half the amount given to a child born in wedlock, is unconstitutional.

An LDP task force on age of majority adopted a proposal to lower the age of majority in the Civil Code to 18 or older, against the current age of 20, while it postponed whether to lower the minimum age for drinking, smoking and public-managed gambling, in consideration of adverse social impacts and delinquency.

By the drastic revision of the Civil Code in 2020, landlords are obliged to return the deposit for rental housing when renters leave.

In Cambodia, the civil code comprises eight sections and 1,200 articles.

The Civil Code stipulates that children born out of wedlock are allocated only half of the inheritance of legitimate children.

The legal age of adulthood is currently set at 20 in the Civil Code.

The revised Public Offices Election Law to lower the voting age from 20 to 18 includes a stipulation in a supplementary provision that necessary legislative measures should be taken by reviewing the Civil Code and the Juvenile Law.

Under the current Civil Code, the mother of a child must be the woman who conceived and gave birth to the child.

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