
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

commercial bank

商業銀行(米国の場合は、連邦法または州法により認可を受けた銀行) 都市銀行 都銀 市中銀行 市銀 民間銀行 銀行 (商業銀行の主な業務は、融資、預金の受入れと外国為替。⇒lending, prime lending rate)

commercial bankの用例

Digital yuan, an electronic legal currency of China, will be supplied through a “two-layer structure” mediated by commercial banks such as the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

If People’s Bank of China provides digital yuan directly to users without going through commercial banks, financial intermediary functions such as bank financing will weaken, having a negative impact on the economy.

In the case of a negative interest rate which the ECB has introduced, commercial banks have to pay interest at this rate, which is like a handling fee, to place funds at the central bank.

In the subprime crisis, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board had to take the extraordinary step of providing an emergency loan not to a commercial bank but to an investment bank.

It’s pointed out that the ECB’s introduction of a negative deposit rate will increase the burden on commercial banks and worsen their finances, leading to a minimization of new loans and higher lending rates.

The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is calculated on the basis of unregulated estimates of rates that major commercial banks operating in London submit to the British Bankers’ Association.

To avoid deflation, the ECB will implement a measure to provide low interest funds to commercial banks for up to four years.

To prevent the European economy from falling into deflation, the ECB will cut its annual policy rate to a record low 0.15 percent and lower the overnight deposit rate, which is applied to funds commercial banks park at the ECB, to minus 0.1 percent from zero percent.

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