
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

concern over

〜に対する[〜への]懸念 〜についての懸念 〜不安 (⇒information exposure)

concern overの用例

As concerns over erratic fluctuations in stock prices and foreign exchange rates in the world’s markets are likely to persist, it will be necessary for the Fed to steer its monetary policy for preventing market turmoil.

Concerns over the safety of Chinese food products are rising in Japan, but the percentage of safety violations involving food imports from China fell below the overall average for all imported foods in fiscal 2012.

Concerns over the U.S. economic outlook tend to induce yen-buying as a safe haven.

Crude oil futures soared in New York due to concerns over oil supplies.

Finance ministers and business leaders at the World Economic Forum are showing surprisingly little concern over the soaring euro and tumbling dollar.

Mitarai will return as Canon president, staying on as his current CEO and chairman amid growing concern over European fiscal crisis and the historic strong yen.

North Korea will be better off taking positive steps toward addressing global concerns over its nuclear weapons program, a spokesman from South Korea’s Defense Ministry said.

PricewaterhouseCoopers filed to sell its consulting arm through an initial public offering (IPO) to help ease concerns over potential conflicts of interest between its auditing and consulting businesses.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, announced his intention to step down because of concern over his recurring disease, ulcerative colitis.

The bankruptcy of Incubator Bank of Japan gave rise to concern over the company’s financial management.

The management side is becoming cautious about wage hikes due to concerns over rising labor costs.

The money market is overheated by massive money inflows from banks on fading concerns over a financial system crisis.

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