
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

concerned parties

利害関係人[関係者] 関係当事者 影響を受けた当事者

concerned partiesの関連語句

concerned partiesの用例

After the death of North Korean leader, the immediate common interest for the countries concerned is ensuring that a coup d’état or military provocation does not happen in North Korea.

Because budgets for reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake have been used for unrelated purposes, ministries and agencies concerned have been taken to task in a Diet.

Before implementing the new ceilings on radioactive cesium in food, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is set to seek understanding and cooperation from local governments and industries concerned about toughening the limits.

G-8 leaders are concerned over possible Greek eurozone exit.

In its energy policies, the LDP is making utmost efforts to obtain the understanding of local governments concerned as it seeks to restart nuclear reactors pending approval of their safety by the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

In order to prevent suicides which have been rapidly increasing due to the prolonged pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), local residents and organizations concerned must work together beyond their boundaries as measures to save as many lives as possible.

In the hostage-taking crisis by Islamic extremists at a natural gas complex in In Amenas in eastern Algeria, the government set up a countermeasures task force comprising ministers concerned to deal with the crisis.

It is no easy task to establish international rules because it entails a conflict of interests among the countries concerned [nations involved].

LDP President Shinzo Abe’s remarks before the House of Representatives election drew heavy criticism from quarters concerned, including the government.

Ministers concerned will swiftly deal with the matter of illegal intrusions onto the Senkaku Islands.

More and more consumers are concerned about protecting themselves against the planned consumption tax hike, so the battle to attract customers among supermarkets is likely to continue.

Over ways to utilize an agricultural park to process farm produce, which is under construction in the West Bank of city of Jericho with the support of Japan, Foreign Minister Kishida conferred with ministers concerned from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

Parents who have babies through in vitro fertilization have a proper understanding of their children’s right to know of their natal background, but they are concerned about whether the public would be receptive to that.

Shigeru Ishiba, state minister in charge of revitalization of local economies, called on other Cabinet members concerned to exert their leadership in bringing to fruition the local governments’ demands for power transfer to the greatest possible extent.

Sincere efforts by the concerned countries are essential for the resumption of the six-party talks.

So far as China’s air pollution is concerned, the level of the country’s environmental pollution has already gone beyond the acceptable limit.

The defendants abused their positions of trust and profoundly harmed soccer fans and others concerned.

The International Court of Justice is unable to begin proceedings over an international dispute without the consent of both parties concerned.

The Japanese government must fully explain the safety of the U.S. military’s new transport aircraft to local governments concerned.

There has been a prevailing atmosphere of stalemate insofar as conventional job-related measures are concerned.

Under the World Trade Organization rules, emergency import limits, or safeguard, are permitted as a temporary measure if the volume of imports of a certain product drastically increases, causing serious damages to industries concerned in the country.

VW’s emissions test rigging is the act of betraying consumers who are strongly concerned about environmental conservation and is extremely pernicious.

We are concerned about the trend of private businesses having difficulties in raising capital.

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