
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

concrete measures

具体策 具体案 具体的な措置[方策] 具体的な対応[対策] (=concrete steps)

concrete measuresの用例

A sense of disappointment has prevailed across the world markets as no concrete measures to rescue Greece were unveiled at the eurozone finance ministers meeting.

Japan has yet to enter full-scale TPP negotiations, but the LDP has not presented concrete measures to prepare for the liberalization of trade, including steps to bolster competitiveness in the agricultural sector.

The bank’s executive in charge of compliance knew the bank had made transactions with antisocial groups, but the executive did not take any concrete measures and did not report them to its president and other top-level executives.

The United States should take concrete measures to reinforce the discipline of U.S. servicemen further to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

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