
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

contribute to

〜に貢献する 〜に寄与する 〜に役立つ 〜に一役買う 〜に拍車がかかる 〜の一因である 〜につながる 〜をもたらす 〜に出資する[拠出する]

contribute toの用例

Among the industries that contributed to the drop in machinery orders were steel, machinery and auto manufacturers.

Based on the recovery of its economic might, Japan will positively contribute to the peace and stability of the international community from the standpoint of a “proactive pacifism.”

Besides a delay in the development of smartphones and cutting-edge displays, a tenaciously high yen hovering around ¥80 per dollar also contributed to the troubles of domestic electronics manufacturers.

China’s shadow banks have financially contributed to the country’s rapid economic growth from behind the scenes by raising small-lot funds to finance local industrial development.

In response to the worsening humanitarian crisis, Japan also must rack its brains to further contribute to supporting refugees in countries in neighboring Syria.

Local weather fronts that did not appear on weather charts are also believed to have contributed to the creation of the deadly twister.

NATO allies are closing in on a deal to contribute more to allied running costs to reduce the United States’ share of funding.

Private-sector firms are key players in the pursuit of economic growth and they are needed to contribute to facilitating a positive growth cycle through such measures as using their internal reserves for capital investment and wage increases.

Sellers of multiple-debtor lists, produced by collecting information about consumer finance customers, are contributing to the spread of illegal moneylending.

The poisoned frozen gyoza incident greatly tarnished China’s image in Japan and contributed to a worsening of the bilateral relationship.

We must take heed of the point that restraining movements between urban areas by imposing an urban lockdown contributes to prevention of the spread of virus infections, but disruptions caused by introducing excessive regulations should be avoided.

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