
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

controls on

〜の管理 〜の規制 〜に関する規制

controls onの関連語句

controls onの用例

After the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, Japanese companies were spurred to tighten quality controls on Chinese food products at their factories in China.

Cooperation by organizations in the private sector, such as Internet service providers, is indispensable to strengthen controls on child pornography.

In order to cut off funds to North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program, the government will tighten controls on illegal bilateral transactions, including exports of materials for making missiles and smuggling of narcotics and counterfeit bank notes into the country.

Japanese government tightened controls on the export of three items to South Korea, including hydrogen fluoride, in 2019.

The U.S. government has announced an action plan aimed at stepping up controls on steel imports from Japan and other nations.

The Xi administration has increased restraints on lawyers working to defend people’s human rights and controls on free speech since its inauguration, and Chinese noted female journalist Gao Yu was given a prison sentence on charges of illegally providing state secrets to foreigners in April 2015.

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