
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cost of capital

資本費用 資本コスト 資本用役費 資本利子 (=capital cost)

cost of capitalの関連語句

cost of capitalの用例

A large increase in overseas sales made up for the ¥180 billion earmarked for settlements and other costs for the company’s large-scale recalls in the United States.

Albeit not free from risk, the benefits of capital market liberalization were considered to outweigh costs.

As a serious problem of power shortages due to the suspension of nuclear reactors, national wealth continues to flow out of Japan and power rate hikes go on as the fuel costs for thermal power stations snowball.

As many domestic manufacturers have moved their production sites from Japan to Asian nations and elsewhere, the Japanese economy benefits less and less from the weak yen which lowers export costs.

As part of its reconstruction budget, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry earmarked the cost for dealing with Sea Shepherd, an antiwhaling organization.

Businesses are wary of too-low yen as it would raise the costs of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

Business leaders are voicing concern about excessive depreciation of the Japanese currency as it would sharply raise the cost of crude oil and LNG.

Certain indirect costs, including financing costs, are capitalized.

Due to the sharp rise in power generation costs and other factors, gross domestic product is expected to be pushed down by ¥30 trillion a year.

In consideration of human resources and costs, outsourcing of work to overseas companies has been increasing in the field of information technology.

In the temporary nationalization, the government will take possession of all shares from the bank’s holding company at no cost.

It’s utterly irresponsible to insist on raising medical fees, which will inflate government spending on medical care, without explaining where the money to cover the cost will come from.

JA Zenchu collects up to ¥8 billion annually from local farm co-ops through its levy system and other bodies for its operating costs.

Many Japanese manufacturers have been prompted to review their production in China with labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the weaker yen.

Public burdens will expand due to increased social security costs compounded by a declining birthrate and graying society.

Renewable power which is highly inefficient cannot replace nuclear energy at a reasonable cost.

The aging of society, coupled with the declining birthrate, will affect not only the pension system, but also medical care costs.

The company invested in a large pressing machine and other equipment at a cost of ¥8 million.

The cost related to the recall is expected to total ¥2.5 billion.

The development of cross-border infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has prompted a number of multinational corporations to transfer some of their manufacturing processes to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to take advantage of cheaper labor costs.

The European Central Bank announced to buy unlimited amounts of debt by struggling European countries like Spain to help lower their borrowing costs.

The figures of primary budget balance represent the extent to which government spending on policy implementation, excluding debt servicing costs, can be funded with tax revenues without depending on debt.

The firm will ax 10,000 jobs worldwide and cut ¥200 billion in costs by the end of fiscal 2021 in a sweeping restructuring plan.

The hollowing-out of the pension system may increase companies’ personnel costs so much that it could negatively affect their international competitive edge.

The Japanese economy is losing momentum with the burdens of a strong yen and high labor costs as well as higher electric power output costs.

The new Net-debit service will enable consumers to make purchases on the Internet and have the cost deducted automatically from their bank or postal savings accounts.

The overall construction cost of the new National Stadium ballooned from the original ¥162.5 billion to ¥252 billion, so the plans for the stadium drew strong protests from the public.

The price of regular gas has gone up for six weeks because oil wholesalers have added their import costs, which have been going up due to the weak yen since the end of last year, to the retail price.

The three beer wholesalers are suspected to have sold beer to Aeon supermarket chain at prices lower than cost.

The three beer wholesalers have continued to sell beer to Aeon at prices below costs.

To avoid the high costs of operating domestically, Japanese companies are moving their production overseas. And this leads to the rapid hollowing-out of the domestic manufacturing industry.

To save ¥190 billion in personnel costs, the company has drawn a plan to cut its workforce by closing its plant.

Within the government, voices urging Tokyo, which was selected to host the 2020 Olympic Games, to shoulder part of the costs have become louder.

Yearly fuel costs generally account for more than 40 percent of the operational cost of an airplane.

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