英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)討議 協議 審議 審理 (裁判員制度で、裁判員(citizen judges)と職業裁判官(judges)による)評議 熟慮 熟考 慎重 入念 細心
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi will begin a full deliberation on the Defense Ministry’s request for nullification of Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga’s instruction to halt the preparatory work for the relocation of Futenma Air Station.
Budget deliberations were delayed until the new fiscal year due to opposition parties’ resistance and the DPJ’s poor Diet management.
Deliberations on the bill to revise the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to simplify screening procedures for regenerative medicine products to speed up government authorization have been carried forward to the next sitting of the legislature.
Deliberations on the extra budget are insufficient.
Deliberations on these important bills have been carried forward to the next sitting of the legislature.
Diet deliberations on a bill to revise the law punishing acts related to child prostitution and child pornography have been delayed.
In the deliberations of the Tokyo District Court lay-judge trial, six citizens and three judges emphasized common sense, and this led to the guilty ruling.
In the first trial, 3 years were spent on careful deliberations.
The biggest point of contention in the upper house deliberations on the special secret protection bill was whether bureaucrats would arbitrarily expand the range of secrecy.
The lower house has the final say in budget deliberations.
The opposition parties began boycotting all deliberations during the current Diet session in both chambers of the legislature.
The points at issue have been made clear by continued Diet deliberations on comprehensive reform of the social security and tax systems.
The proposal by the Liberal Democratic Party to set up a national council for reforming the social security system drew our attention in the Diet deliberations.
Yosuke Isozaki, a special adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has come under fire from opposition parties as he said during a speech in the city of Oita that the legal stability of the security bills now under deliberation in the Diet doesn’t matter.
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