英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)設計する 計画する 企画する 策定する 整備する 意匠を作る 企(たくら)みをする 〜を志す (自動)設計する デザインする 志す 〜に向かう予定である
A labor-hearing system is designed to swiftly settle disputes, including dismissals and harassment at work, between workers and their employers.
Antibody tests are designed to examine whether a test taker has a history of infection with viruses or other pathogens.
As countermeasures against South Korean President Lee’s words and deeds, Japan may scale down a credit line Japan was prepared to set for a bilateral currency swap deal designed for the transfer of foreign currencies to one of the two countries in time of a monetary crisis.
A stock split is a measure designed to enable investors, including those with only limited funds, to invest in a company by reducing the share purchase unit.
Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.
In principle, pension payouts are designed to fluctuate in accordance with ups and downs in consumer prices.
JR Tokai’s LO, a new model of maglev train for the Linear Chuo Shinkansen line, is designed to run at speeds of up to 550 kph.
Newly designed ¥1,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000 banknotes went into circulation.
NTV will air a nighttime program selling bags and pillows designed and produced by its joint management company.
Nursing-care robots are designed to help patients live independently and to reduce the burden on caretakers.
The antiviral drug remdesivir has been shown to be effective to a certain extent against the new coronavirus by clinical trials in the Unites States. But it is designed for people in serious condition who need to be on a ventilator and there are side effects such as decreased kidney and liver functions.
The company’s defense strategy is designed so that fresh share warrants can be issued to dilute a takeover bidder’s stake if its attempt to acquire more than 15 percent of the company’s outstanding shares is deemed hostile.
The current support system for jobseekers from training to job referrals and to employment is not well designed.
The fund established by the Development of Japan is designed to finance major auto parts makers hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
The plan of using ADR for the revitalization of a business is designed to reduce JAL’s interest payments by eliminating part of its credited loans from lending institutions and conducting debt-for-equity swaps.
The revised Copyright Law is designed to expand the scope of restrictions on illegal downloading of copyrighted works, which has been limited to music and images, to all copyrighted works including comics, novels and essays.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership pact is designed to promote free trade among member countries.
We design and install custom systems which incorporate hardware, application software, and mobile computer terminals.
(名)設計 計画 企画 構想 企て 企み もくろみ 陰謀 悪だくみ 意図 意匠 模様 図案 下絵 設計図 デザイン (⇒environmental impact)
After a memory device attached to a cat’s collar was found exactly as had been described in one of the e-mails sent by the suspect, the device was confirmed to contain data on the design of the remote-control virus used in the cases.
If such data as the shape and design of an item are entered into a 3-D printer, it’s possible to create a 3-D object through sequential layering of such material as resin and metal powder.
It is encouraging for us that start-up companies which produce Japan-made consumer appliances primarily catering to emerging countries, through their technological prowess and unique designs, have appeared.
People on the factory floor study computer-aided design, robotics and customized manufacturing.
The Department works in partnership with business, academe and others to promote a favorable climate for innovation, to encourage best practice and effective design, to assist the transfer and use of new technologies and processes and to support technology development, especially by small firms.
The plans for the new National Stadium will be reconsidered from square one, including its design and construction cost, to make the 2020 Olympics an event that will be celebrated by all the people.
The retail stores which form chain-store contracts with a large manufacturing firm deal with all the products of the manufacturer and receive various services such as design of stores, store arrangement and free supply of samples.
These days, product design and planning, as well as the design of molds and other necessary tools, is done with three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD).
This research and development center established in Kyoto will mainly handle product design and function improvements for new washing machines.
Toyota will recall and voluntarily repair a new model of its Prius hybrid with brake design flaws in Japan and the United States.
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