
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

district court

地方裁判所 地裁

district courtの用例

At district courts, a council system by three judges is adopted only to deal with crucial cases such as state compensation and defamation, while many of civil cases are usually decided by a single judge.

At district courts, the number of civil suit cases demanding the reimbursement of overpayment to moneylenders has decreased since 2010.

In a lawsuit for state redress, the Kagoshima District Court ordered the central and prefectural governments to pay a total of ¥59.8 million in damages to 17 plaintiffs.

Some judges of district courts are said to refrain from consulting others as they place high value on the independence of the judge.

The district court found guilty the two secretaries of a lawmaker who had been indicted on charges of violating the Political Funds Control Law and gave them suspended sentences.

The high court ruling violated the basic principles of a criminal trial as its judges found the suspect was guilty without answering to yet-to-be-resolved questions posed by the district court.

The Kagoshima District Court convicted a man indicted for the alleged assault of a 17-year-old girl based on testimony by the victim and DNA from saliva found on her breast. But further analysis of the semen taken from the victim during the appeal trial showed it was not the defendant’s DNA.

The Miyazaki branch of the Fukuoka High Court acquitted a 23-year-old man who was indicted for sexually assaulting a woman, voiding the four-year sentence given by the Kagoshima District Court in February 2014.

The Otsu District Court issued a provisional injunction ordering Kansai Electric Power Co. to shut down its No. 3 and No. 4 reactors at its Takahama facility in Fukui Prefecture.

The presiding judge said the district court suspended the prison sentences on the defendants as they had already paid back to the state the amount of damages the government sustained in the fraud.

The Shizuoka District Court ordered a retrial for a man who was convicted of the 1966 murder of a family of four.

The Tokyo District Court will screen about 400 lay judge candidates for the coming trial of a senior member of the defunct Aum Supreme Truth cult.

The Yamaguchi District Court’s Iwakuni branch ordered the state to pay noise pollution damages to 654 residents around a U.S. air base which is jointly used by the U.S. military and the Self-Defense Forces.

To ensure the attendance of a former prefectural assemblyman who had failed to appear on the initially scheduled date of the trial’s opening, the Kobe District Court issued a bench warrant and he was taken to the courthouse.

Upholding a ruling by the Yokohama District Court, the Tokyo High Court handed down a decision ordering a halt to late-night and early-morning flights by MSDF aircraft at Atsugi Air Base in Kanagawa Prefecture.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


dístrict cóurt


1 (多くの州で,一般的管轄権を持った)地方裁判所

2 連邦地方裁判所

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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