
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

due to

〜により 〜から 〜のために 〜が原因で 〜に起因する 〜の影響で 〜で 〜に伴う

due toの関連語句

due toの用例

According to the BOJ’s monthly economic report, the Japanese economy shows weakness recently due to a slowdown of the world economy.

A flag decision by the judges was overturned in a men’s judo match due to a protest from jurors in a video-equipped booth.

After the BOJ’s monetary policy meeting, BOJ Gov. Kuroda said that he did not expect long-term rates to jump due to the strong pressure of monetary easing toward lower interest rates.

Allowing banks to claim a tax refund by carrying a loss back to the previous year has not been allowed since fiscal 1992 in Japan, due chiefly to the fiscal plight of the central government.

Although pension benefits have continued to swell as the population ages, revenue for premiums to fund the pension system has not increased due to a decline in the working population and a drop in wages because of the sluggish economy.

An employment agreement in the past became toothless due to the practice of “aotagai” (green harvest) which refers to starting recruiting activities earlier than the agreed date.

An increasing number of Japanese couples are traveling to the United States and Thailand where they seek ovum donations by third persons from ovum banks, partly due to a rise in the average childbearing age of women.

As for outbound investment, securities investment increased by 4.2 percent due to increases in purchases of European and U.S. bonds and stock investment in the U.S. market.

A significant number of firms are considering increasing the number of their recruits as the economy will improve particularly due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

At the bank, a string of executives resigned one after another due to differences over management policy.

Budget deliberations were delayed until the new fiscal year due to opposition parties’ resistance and the DPJ’s poor Diet management.

Consumer prices are expected to continue to post moderate year-on-year increases of below 1 percent mainly due to a rise in energy prices.

Decreasing exports due to the global economic slowdown are cooling business sentiment mainly among manufacturers.

Due to a shortened job-hunting period for university students, it may become even more difficult for smaller companies to acquire human resources as only big companies may attract students.

Due to a widespread property boom across China and the growing popularity of high-yielding wealth management products, the assets of the country’s shadow banks have swollen swiftly.

Due to differing opinions among members over key policy issues, the Democratic Party of Japan has been rived by repeated internal battles.

Due to suspected rigging of the Libor in Britain, one of the world’s most highly cited benchmark interest rates, distrust in financial markets has been heightened.

Due to the end of a government subsidy program for purchases of environmentally friendly vehicles, Toyota’s domestic sales will decline about 300,000 units to 1.4 million in 2013 compared to the previous year.

Due to the Libor manipulation by banks, collective lawsuits may be filed by investors and others over losses they suffered.

Due to the ongoing European financial crisis, concern is mounting in South Korea that the value of its won currency [the value of the won] may steeply decline if foreign financial institutions and investors withdraw funds from the country.

Due to the sharp rise in power generation costs and other factors, gross domestic product is expected to be pushed down by ¥30 trillion a year.

Due to the suspension of all nuclear power reactors, electric power output costs in jumped by about 25 percent from the preceding year.

Due to the turmoil that followed the regime change, Egypt’s external balance of payments deteriorated and foreign reserves dropped sharply.

Egypt’s democratization process launched after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak has entered a new dimension due to the enforcement of the country’s new Constitution.

Exports are decreasing moderately recently due to the decline in shipments to Europe and China.

Hitachi’s earnings were hit hard by a slump in hard disk drive operations due to a sharp fall in prices during the first quarter and weak sales of room conditioners and DVD recorders.

If the exchange rate remains around ¥90 to the dollar for the next 12 months, income equivalent to 0.6 percent of Japan’s GDP will flow overseas mainly due to higher fuel imports stemming from the suspension of nuclear power reactors.

In light of complaints from emerging economies that a glut of speculative funds due to monetary easing measures taken by advanced countries have caused the appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation, the G-20 participants agreed that they will monitor and minimize the negative ripple effects of their respective financial policies.

In terms of trade volume, South Korea is currently among the top 10 countries partly due to its efforts to promote free trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and others.

It is difficult to avoid submitting to questioning by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office due to the public backlash.

Japan must prevent the excessive strength of the yen from becoming the status quo due to the turmoil in Europe as Japan has yet to experience a full-fledged economic recovery.

Japan’s 2012 trading balance, or exports minus imports, ran up a record deficit of ¥6.9 trillion, 2.7 times more than the 2011 figure, the first trade deficit in 31 years due to the negative effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

LDP President Shinzo Abe resigned as prime minister in September 2007 due to health concerns.

Mainly due to the increase in the world’s consumption of marine products, following the economic growth of emerging nations, competition among nations worldwide for fishing resources is becoming more and more intense.

Many economies across the globe have been slowing down due to European fiscal and financial crisis and the Japanese economy has faced similar downward pressure.

Partly due to a slowdown in the Chinese economy in the wake of the European financial crisis, Japan’s exports and production have been on the decline.

Sales of Mercedes-Benz increased by 43.8 percent in the January-March quarter compared to last year mainly due to growth in its C-Class, which was modified last spring.

Sony’s projected loss is due to the tumbling sales of the firm’s flagship products.

Spain’s options for stemming the country’s financial crisis are being limited due to a grinding recession, higher unemployment and social unrest.

S&P slashed Cyprus’ credit rating by two notches to CCC+ due to the eurozone member’s increasing financial pressure.

Stock prices have been rising due to an expectation that the Abe administration’s measures to deal with the appreciation of the yen will revitalize the domestic industries.

Stock prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropped sharply due to a surge in investors selling shares out of fears that cash flowing into the market may dwindle.

The deficit in goods trade in the first half of 2012 expanded sharply due to a surge in imports of fuel for thermal power generation following the suspensions of nuclear power plants.

The department store industry is sluggish due to the prolonged recession.

The economic slowdown in Europe due to the sovereign debt crisis and slackening growth of China as a major exporter to Europe have dealt a painful blow to Japan’s exports and production.

The future of the U.S. economy is uncertain due to reverberations from the debt crisis in Europe.

The huge decline in business sentiment among large manufacturers has mainly been attributed to the global economic slowdown, a decrease in exports due to a recent flare-up in tensions between Japan and China, and a slump in domestic auto sales.

The LDP gave up on its plan to work out common campaign pledges for the upper house election with New Komeito due to differences in their constitutional revision standpoints.

The parents of the junior high schoolboy who had killed himself due to the bullying filed a lawsuit against the three bullies, their parents and the municipal government, demanding ¥77 million in damages.

The recent increase in black companies results from the fact the labor market is becoming a buyer’s market by a stagnation of job offers due to the business slump.

The Tokyo stock market tumbled on May 23, 2013 after rallying strongly for months mainly due to the Fed chairman’s congressional testimony.

The United States is under pressure to make some difficult monetary policy decisions to cool down the overheating economy by countering the inflationary pressure stemming from higher import prices due to the weaker dollar.

To immediately sell banks’ shareholdings through the stock-purchasing organization would result in huge losses due to the bearish stock market.

Toyota revised upward its consolidated operating profit estimates for the business year ending March 31, 2013, largely due to improved profitability in its exports from a weakening of the yen in response to “Abenomics,” the economic policy of the Abe administration.

Upward pressure on global oil prices is feared due to increased tensions in the Middle East and political turmoil in Venezuela.

U.S. President Barack Obama blamed chemical attacks squarely on Syrian President Bashar Assad and said that the ideals and principles of the United States as well as its national security are at stake due to the use of chemical weapons.

What is problematic concerning the consumption tax hike in April 2014 is that the economy, which has at long last started turning upward, may lose steam due to the hike.

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