
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

equal opportunity

平等機会 機会均等 機会平等

equal opportunityの関連語句

equal opportunityの用例

A job interview by a company provides students with a valuable opportunity to determine the corporate culture of the company.

A policy to reduce nuclear power generation will lead to a decrease in job opportunities.

A wider range of working styles will lead to more opportunities for entrepreneurship and the expansion of employment opportunities for the elderly.

Both the public and private sectors must pour their energies into nurturing new industries that promise expanded employment opportunities.

By the reduction of job opportunities at home, the Japanese economy is in danger of falling into a vicious cycle in which it becomes increasingly anemic.

Equal opportunity, affirmative action and community programs in the company are outlined in a document that describes programs in the United States for women, minorities and handicapped persons.

Firms are looking for business opportunities by meeting various demands of consumers who want to be different from others.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

In the French presidential election, voters are focusing their attention on an economic growth policy to expand job opportunities, rather than fiscal rehabilitation.

Lack of opportunity to thoroughly discuss cases among judges at district courts without using a council system, will lead to dogmatic rulings.

Major opportunities to determine the course of a close contest between Obama and Romney will be the three debates between the presidential candidates to be held in October 2012.

Parliamentary requirements for initiating constitutional revisions should be relaxed to make it easier for the people, with whom sovereign power resides, have the opportunity to take part in constitutional judgments through national referendums.

The alliance is a community of interest based on new growth opportunities in the global telecommunications equipment markets.

The celebrations of the 1979 Islamic Revolution were an opportunity for Iran’s regime to tout its power.

The firm raised its cash balance in 2009 so that it could act quickly on new opportunities outside the U.S.

The low voter turnout of Egypt’s presidential election in 2012 shows the Egyptian people’s apathy toward participating directly in politics in spite of their unprecedented opportunity to vote freely.

The nonregulated companies offer better opportunities for greater growth.

The recent trilateral foreign ministers’ meeting among China, Japan and South Korea was apparently used as an opportunity to pressure Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by China.

The replacement of the ambassador to China is an opportunity to carefully seek common ground between Tokyo and Beijing.

The upcoming House of Representatives election held almost two years after the launch of the second Abe Cabinet presents a vital opportunity to assess and review the merits and demerits of this administration.

When the Nuclear Security Summit was held in Seoul, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda was not able to fully utilize the opportunity for summit diplomacy.

equal opportunity

平等機会 機会均等 機会平等

equal opportunityの用例

Equal opportunity, affirmative action and community programs in the company are outlined in a document that describes programs in the United States for women, minorities and handicapped persons.

Minorities, women and persons with disabilities are provided equal opportunity to participate in the economic mainstream of American Society.

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