foreign exchange market

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

foreign exchange market

外国為替市場 為替市場 為替相場

foreign exchange marketの用例

Amid the financial crisis in Cyprus, which was triggered by Greece’s financial collapse, the euro continues to be weak in the foreign exchange market while the yen tends to be bought.

As of late December 2014 since the launch of the second Abe administration, the yen has shed more than ¥30 in value against the dollar in foreign exchange markets and stock prices have soared about 7,000 points, assisted by the BOJ’s “monetary easing in an entirely new dimension.”

Direct yen-yuan trading started on the interbank foreign exchange markets in Tokyo and Shanghai on June 1, 2012.

Due to Greek political turmoil and the Spanish bank problem, risk-averse sentiment is prevailing in the overall foreign exchange market.

In direct yen-yuan trading, there will be no limit to the fluctuation range in the Tokyo foreign exchange market.

Interbank trading between the U.S. dollar and the Chinese currency yuan accounts for 99.3 percent of the Shanghai foreign exchange market.

On foreign exchange markets, the excessively strong yen has been corrected and the weaker yen is becoming the norm.

The euro temporarily strengthened on the foreign exchange market due to the EU-IMF emergency package.

The Finance Ministry and the Bank of Japan stepped into the foreign exchange market only once in the three months through September 2010.

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