
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

general election

総選挙 (⇒premiership)

general electionの関連語句

general electionの用例

After two days of wrangling over a budget law, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said that the general election would be held on Feb. 24, 2013, taking account of a recommendation by the interior minister.

As negotiations to form a coalition government fell apart after a general election, the political turmoil in Greece has deepened.

Beppe Grillo who leads the Five-Star Movement will face some tough political choices after a few days of basking in the afterglow of his triumph in Italy’s general election.

Confusion will reign in the political community after the upcoming general election.

Former Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif sat on the sidelines in the general election even when he went into exile in Saudi Arabia and returned to the country in 2007.

In Thailand, antigovernment protesters aiming to unseat the country’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra surrounded a Bangkok sports stadium in an attempt to block political parties from registering for a general election held on February 2, 2014.

In the British House of Commons (general) election, the Scottish National Party won almost 50 of Scotland’s 59 seats. This will embolden its demands for a new referendum on Scottish independence.

In the Italian general election of February 2013, the Five Star Movement (M5S) headed by popular comedian Beppe Grillo staged an Internet-based election campaign to rail against the political corruption of the traditional parties and it became the second-largest party in terms of the number of votes obtained.

Italian voters’ backlash against Prime Minister Mario Monti’s austerity policy was so fierce that his Civil Choice party was crushed in the general election of February 2013.
モンティ伊首相の緊縮政策に対するイタリアの有権者の反発が激しく、2013年2月の総選挙で、モンティ率いる政党のCivil Choice(市民の選択)は惨敗した。

Scotland and Northern Ireland may be drifting away from London as they didn’t embrace the Conservative electoral landslide in the UK general election, 2019.

The Democratic Party of Japan came to power following last summer’s general election.

The first priority of Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after the general election is to contain the violence with an iron hand.

The Kingdom of Thailand’s Constitutional Court declined to consider the petition by the Democrat Party to annul the general election vote of February 2, 2014.

The National Front coalition’s victory in the general election of Malaysia has exposed the racial divide in the country and a new social schism between the rural poor who preferred status quo and the urban middle class who wanted change.

The opposition Socialists scored a dramatic upset win in Spain’s general election.

The revision bill of the Temporary Staffing Services Law was aborted due to the lower chamber’s dissolution for the general election.

The ruling and opposition parties have used the special bill on issuance of deficit-covering government bonds as a bargaining chip over a dissolution of the House of Representatives for a snap general election.

The secretary general of the LDP hinted that political realignment may take place after the next general election.

The upcoming general election of the lower house will be held under the current electoral system though a bill to reduce vote-value disparities passed the Diet just before the lower house was dissolved.

Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan is confident in keeping his administration in power as his Justice and Development Party, a moderate Islamic party, overwhelmingly won in general elections in 2007 and 2011.

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géneral eléction


1 ((米))(予備選挙に対して)本選挙;(地方レベルの選挙に対して)州[連邦]の選挙

2 ((英))(下院の)総選挙

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