
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

give up

断念する あきらめる 見送る 手を引く 見捨てる 見放す さじを投げる 絶好する 止める 断(た)つ 手放す 引き渡す 廃棄する (役職などを)降りる

give upの関連語句

give upの用例

In the latest account settlements, banking groups gave up including sizable deferred tax assets in their equity capital.

Many students who could not secure a position gave up their job-hunting activities halfway through the recruiting season.

Steel industry unions, which had given up their wage demands, signed a document on job stability with management.

The Financial Services Agency gave up its initial goal to make the introduction of the IFRS mandatory in around 2015.

The LDP gave up on its plan to work out common campaign pledges for the upper house election with New Komeito due to differences in their constitutional revision standpoints.

The UNSC resolution requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons passed after two weeks of white-knuckle negotiations and marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis which has gripped the council.

Unless financial support such as farm subsidies is limited to large-scale farmers fully engaged in agriculture, the consolidation of farmland is unlikely to make headway under a uniform support system as small-scale farmers will not give up their farms so they can remain eligible for subsidies.

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