
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

global warming

地球温暖化 (=the warming of the earth)

global warmingの関連語句

global warmingの用例

As positive results of the fifth round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue held in Washington, D.C., the United States and China agreed to draw up an action plan to fight global warming and to start working-level talks for concluding a bilateral investment accord.

At the 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP18) held in Doha, only the confrontation between industrialized nations and emerging and developing economies over measures to take for global warming was noteworthy.

Recent spates of climate catastrophes such as the occurrence of super typhoons are said to be due to global warming.

Russia is a large country and its failure to help cut global warming and the amount of energy it wastes affects both the global environment and the supply-demand situation concerning energy.

The number of wild animals is increasing due to global warming, depopulation in rural areas, and a decline in hunting, and the damage to fields caused by wild boars is a serious issue.

The urban heat island phenomenon and global warming trends have a causal relationship to the sudden downpours.

Three scientists, including Shukuro Manabe, a senior meteorologist at Princeton University, won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics for their pioneering research that scientifically predicts global warming.

We’ll have to stave off far more cataclysmic impacts of climate change from 150 years of burning fossil fuels by keeping the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 C alive.

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glóbal wárming


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