
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)目標 目的 目的地 得点 ゴール (⇒growth goal, proportion)



A common goal for firms and shareholders is improving corporate value.

All the numerical targets of private capital investment, infrastructure exports and direct investment to Japan Prime Minister Abe has revealed are ambitious and lofty goals, but these goals are meaningless if they end up as empty promises.

China’s goal for the time being is to make Japan admit the existence of a territorial dispute over the Senkakus.

In a speech on the growth strategy delivered by Prime Minister Abe, he revealed the mid- and long-term goals such as increasing per-capita gross national income by ¥1.5 million over the next decade.

In 2020, Japan set a goal of achieving a carbon-neutral society with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

In the Women’s World Cup semifinal in Canada, an England defender unwittingly scored her own goal in stoppage time.

It is doubtful whether it’s possible to create a ¥100 trillion market for the medical and nursing care and the environmental sectors alone by 2020 as the government goals of the Japan revitalization strategy.

Japan’s new goal of 3.8 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by the end of fiscal 2020 is a numerical value set at a time when none of the nation’s nuclear power stations are operating.

Japan, the United States and European nations as well as Arab states have thrown their support behind the goal of establishing a Palestinian state which the Palestinian Authority has set.

Leaders of the Group of 20 developed and major emerging countries set a goal of restoring fiscal soundness while maintaining economic growth.

Many listed companies reported record high profits in favorable settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, but they should keep a tight rein over corporate management reform with the goal of attaining sustainable growth.

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan restoration group) has the goal of fielding about 350 candidates nationwide in the next lower house election and will begin recruiting soon.

Sassuolo’s teenage striker Domenico Berardi scored four goals for the team in a 4-3 win over AC Milan and stole the limelight from new Rossoneri midfielder Keisuke Honda.

The Fed announced a policy shift toward reducing QE3 and clearly stated a goal for ending it.

The Financial Services Agency gave up its initial goal to make the introduction of the IFRS mandatory in around 2015.

The firm’s goal is to expand its overseas sales to ¥50 billion within three years through mergers and acquisitions.

The government’s goal of achieving a surplus in the primary balance by fiscal 2020 will be difficult to achieve even if Japan realizes a high nominal economic growth rate of more than 3 percent, if the current government expenditure structure is maintained.

The IOC’s move toward dropping wrestling from the 2020 Games may have accomplished what has eluded diplomats as it galvanized Iran and the U.S. on a common goal.

The new Xi administration whose goal is achieving “the great revival of the Chinese nation” is expected to pursue wealth- and military-building policies over his two five-year terms to transform China into a superpower on par with the United States.

The U.S. Office of Science and Technology, headed by a leading scientist who serves as an advisor to the president, takes the initiative in setting national goals in the field of science and technology.

We are working with employees and the unions to increase their involvement and input in planning and decisions. The goals: more flexibility and improved competitiveness for the company and job fulfillment for employees.

We’ll have to stave off far more cataclysmic impacts of climate change from 150 years of burning fossil fuels by keeping the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 C alive.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [C]目的地,行き先

2 [C](競走競技の)ゴール

2a [C][U](サッカーなどの)ゴール;[C]ゴール(すること);その得点;((略式))ゴールキーパー

be [play] in goal
キーパーをする(((英))keep goal)

score a goal

3 [C](活動・計画などの)目標,目的,目ざすもの

achieve [attain, reach] one's goal




出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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