gold medal

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

gold medal


gold medalの用例

In the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, Yuzuru Hanyu stood out among powerful competitors such as Yevgeny Plushenko, who won the gold medal at the 2006 Turin Olympics.

The Japanese delegation of 113 athletes to the Sochi Olympic Games includes some gold medal hopefuls such as figure skaters Mao Asada and Yuzuru Hanyu, in addition to Sara Takanashi who will compete in the Olympics’ first women’s ski jumping event.

Yuzuru Hanyu, who won the gold medal in the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, stood on a stage set up on a large vehicle along with members of the figure skating club of Tohoku High School, his alma mater.

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