
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

government bond

国債 政府債 政府債券 行政公債 (=national bond;⇒long-term government bonds)

government bondの関連語句

government bondの用例

According to some market observers, the ECB will eventually have to resort to full-fledged quantitative monetary-easing measures like the BOJ and the Fed, which have purchased a huge amount of government bonds.

According to the BOJ’s Policy Board decision, funding for the purchase of government bonds and other assets will be increased to ¥80 trillion from ¥70 trillion as an additional monetary-easing measure.

After the Bank of Japan tweaked its monetary policy but pledged to keep interest rates low, government bonds rallied.

Assets to be purchased by the BOJ as its additional monetary easing measure include ¥5 trillion in short-term government bonds and ¥5trillion long-term bonds.

Despite BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s confidence in controlling the uptrend in long-term rates, the distribution yield for new 10-year government bonds, a benchmark for long-term interest rates, briefly hit 1.000 percent for the first time in about 14 months.

During the current fiscal year, the government plans to issue nearly ¥37 trillion of government bonds.

Former BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa adhered to the convention of making interest rates the target of monetary policy because the central bank would be required to purchase an infinite amount of government bonds if the target were changed to the money supply.

Germany’s 10-year government bonds are regarded as one of the safest assets in the eurozone.

Governments facing fiscal hardship sometimes force their central banks to buy up government bonds.

If the Bank of Japan directly buys government bonds, it could lead to the unlimited issuance of government bonds. Eventually fiscal discipline will collapse and unleash hyperinflation.

In a draft budget for fiscal 2015, the rate of reliance on government bonds, which indicates the proportion of overall revenue covered by the bonds, will dip below 40 percent for the first time in six years.

In the market and elsewhere, there has been concern about the BOJ’s new quantitative monetary easing measures that the central bank’s purchases of government bonds could spin out of control.

It’s because major central banks’ quantitative easing programs have led to improved investors’ sentiment that yields on Italy’s government bonds have been stable despite the two-month political vacuum.

Stable yields on Italian government bonds and the uplifting in the values of Japanese stocks are two representative cases of securities which have benefited from the turnaround in investors’ sentiment.

The Bank of Japan decided on Sept. 19, 2012 to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as part of additional monetary easing measures.

The BOJ currently limits its purchase of government bonds to those with maturities longer than one year and up to three years.

The BOJ pours money into the market by purchasing financial assets such as government bonds from financial institutions.

The BOJ’s purchase of a massive amount of government bonds may cause the prices of government bonds to plummet and interest rates to surge.

The government has compiled three supplementary budgets and has issued a large amount of government bonds in fiscal 2020, so the primary deficit will reach ¥69.4 trillion in fiscal 2020.

The Greek-triggered sovereign debt crisis resulted in the breakup of the French-Belgian bank Dexia which held Greek government bonds.

The monetization of fiscal deficits by the central bank is legally prohibited in many countries, but the central bank is authorized to purchase government bonds in secondary markets.

The ruling and opposition parties have used the special bill on issuance of deficit-covering government bonds as a bargaining chip over a dissolution of the House of Representatives for a snap general election.

The yield on new 10-year government bonds is a benchmark for long-term interest rates.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. government bonds has been closing below 3 percent recently.

Though the BOJ purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past, it will buy government bonds with longer maturity periods up to 40 years.

To prevent the development of mistrust in government bonds, the government must demonstrate its resolve to exercise fiscal discipline by such means as cutting back on wasteful fiscal spending.

To push forward with its newest quantitative monetary easing steps, the BOJ has temporarily suspended its self-imposed rule of capping its holdings of government bonds at the equivalent value of bank notes currently in circulation.

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