grand jury

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

grand jury

大陪審 起訴陪審 (刑事事件で、起訴相当とするに足るだけの証拠証拠があるかどうかを審査する陪審。小陪審=petit jury)

grand juryの関連語句

grand juryの用例

A Missouri grand jury voted not to charge a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in August 2014.

A white police officer whom the grand jury of New York voted not to charge could still face disciplinary action from an internal police investigation.

To head off a repeat of the response in Ferguson, Missouri, the police officials of New York met with community leaders in anticipation of the announcement on the grand jury decision.

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gránd júry


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