英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
hedge fund
ヘッジ・ファンド 短期投資資金 (「ヘッジ・ファンド」は、株式や債券、通貨、原油など幅広い市場で、先物取引やオプションなどの金融派生商品を駆使して収益を追求する一種の投資信託)
hedge fundの用例
Different from high-profile hedge funds, the founders and investment conditions of these foreign investment funds are not clear.
In a global carry trade, hedge funds borrow low-interest yen funds to invest in dollar-denominated assets.
In the face of the Black Monday stock crisis in 1987 and the financial crisis involving major hedge funds in 1998, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board prevented the U.S. economy from falling into catastrophe by supplying a large amount of funds into financial markets.
Japanese nonbanks blamed for fueling the economic bubble and hedge funds responsible for triggering the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 can be broadly defined as China’s shadow banks.
The underdeveloped state of financial systems in East Asian countries allowed a massive influx and exodus of short-term speculative hedge funds from abroad.
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