英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)伝染 感染 汚染 伝染病 感染症 感化 影響[悪影響] (⇒blood transfusion)
Antibody tests are designed to examine whether a test taker has a history of infection with viruses or other pathogens.
Based on health officials’ advice that a travel ban into the West African countries where Ebola infections have been spreading would be counterproductive, Obama has resisted Republican calls for the ban.
China has confirmed human-to-human spread [infection, transmission] in the outbreak of a new SARS-like coronavirus.
China is broadcasting self-praise for accomplishing the containment of the novel coronavirus infections in Wuhan.
Due to a surge in coronavirus cases, the state governments of India have been ordering focused lockdown in high-risk areas to slow down the spread of infections.
Every corner of our society and economy has been halted by full-on lockdowns to curb a surge in coronavirus infections.
Face mask sales have skyrocketed as the number of infections of the new influenza continues to rise.
In order to contain the new coronavirus, a vaccine to prevent infection must be developed, in addition to a therapeutic drug.
In response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, local governments under the state of emergency have requested restaurants to shorten their business hours and close by 8 p.m.
In Sierra Leone where Ebola infections have been spreading, authorities will quarantine all those who have refused to go to isolation centers.
It is difficult to distinguish between the coronavirus and the flu based on symptoms alone, but people with a fever are said to be suspected of having a coronavirus infection.
It is reported that sterilization measures as a measure to prevent infection are inadequate at many dental clinics.
New problems have occurred, such as the appearance of multiple-drug resistant tubercle bacillus and outbreaks of massive infections inside schools, hospitals and facilities for the elderly.
One typical example of recurrent cases of infection through medical treatment is hepatitis infection caused by repeated use of syringes for vaccination.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and other three prefectures on Ja. 7, 2021, in response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections.
To prevent the spread of infections at dental clinics, it is vital that measures are taken on the premise that every patient could be a source of infection.
Toxic shock syndromes (TSS) caused by a composite infection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and influenza may have been responsible for the deaths of some of the patients at a hospital.
U.S. President Barack Obama made plain that he is not planning to give in to demands from some lawmakers for a ban on travelers from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea where Ebola infections have been spreading.
We can avoid the risk of contracting a nosocomial or secondary infection when we use telemedicine.
Wuhan and neighboring Huanggang were in virtual lockdown due to the spread of pneumonia infection caused by Wuhan coronavirus.
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