英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)独創力 独創性 独自性 自主性 主体性 創意 進取の気性 進取的精神 企業心 先手 率先 新しい試み 取り組み 主導権 主導 自ら行動すること[行動する力、行動力] 議案提出権 (法案の)発議権 発案権 発議 発案 提案 案 政策 計画 構想 方針 戦略 対策 イニシアチブ (形)初めの 手始めの 手ほどきの 初歩の 入門の 第一段階の 発端の 先導的な 先制の 創意に富む (⇒stimulus package)
At the 19th Conference on Climate Change (COP19) in Warsaw, advanced countries, including Japan, called on developing countries to adopt the stance of reducing emissions on their own initiative.
Depending on the degree of JAL’s financial deterioration, the government will consider a combination of capital reinforcement under the industrial revitalization law and public assistance by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corp. of Japan.
Egypt’s new Constitution established under the initiative of President Mohammed Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was enforced after winning the approval of voters in a two-stage national referendum held in December 2012.
French President Hollande held talks with German Chancellor Merkel to defuse market fears regarding the Greek crisis by emphasizing the willingness of the two countries to take the initiative in resolving it.
In order to promote progress in science and technology, it’s necessary for the government to establish a command center for science and technology so that the prime minister can exert leadership on his own initiative.
In reactivating idle nuclear reactors to realize a stable supply of electricity after their safety is confirmed, the government should take the initiative to explain the necessity of its policy to local government hosting nuclear power plants.
Japan and India issued a joint statement focusing on the promotion of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” initiative which has been led by Japan and the United States.
Japan’s FX reserves have also been used to expand the financial base of the Chiang Mai Initiative, a multinational currency swap arrangement involving Japan, China and South Korea plus the ASEAN.
Osaka city which consumes a massive volume of electricity takes the initiative in insisting that Kansai Electric Power Co. abandon nuclear power generation.
Other initiatives, like flexible work schedules, telecommuting and job-sharing, meet the diverse needs of individuals and the company.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to make the Cool Japan initiative part of the government’s growth strategy.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took the initiative in drawing up a road map for reducing the effective corporate tax rate.
Regarding Egypt’s new Constitution established under the initiative of President Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, secular and liberal elements have vigorously protested against the Constitution as it strongly emphasizes Islamic values, such as prohibiting “insults to the Prophet Mohammed.”
Sharp Corp. aims to get contracts to provide large number of IGZO liquid-crystal panels for such products as Apple Inc.’s iPhone and ultrathin PCs developed under the initiative of Intel Corp.
Sharp is trying to reconstruct its management under an initiative of major banks.
The cornerstone of the Cool Japan initiative aimed at promoting the exports of Japanese pop culture is the content industry which produces anime, video games and movies.
The corporation is trying to restructure itself under the initiative of its banks.
The economic package will include energy saving initiatives.
The firm is trying to restructure itself under the initiative of its banks.
The government should take the initiative in beefing up measures to prevent sexual violence against children.
The improvement in the real GDP was mainly due to a recovery in exports and policy initiatives under the government’s stimulus packages.
The issuance of the crypto-asset or cryptocurrency named Libra is planned under the initiative of Facebook Inc. of the United States.
The pillar of China’s external strategy is the creation of a mega-economic bloc called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013.
The U.S. Office of Science and Technology, headed by a leading scientist who serves as an advisor to the president, takes the initiative in setting national goals in the field of science and technology.
Through the sale of JAL’s outstanding shares, the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan is expected to fully recover the amount it invested.
We hope that this initiative will be positively received in the Security Council.
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