英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)漏らす 流出させる リークする 暴露する (自動)漏れる 漏れ出す 流出する (名)漏れ 漏洩(ろうえい) 漏れ口 漏電 (⇒official)
From the premises of TEPCO’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, polluted water was found to be leaking into the sea though the amount of radiation that has leaked is small.
If personal information or data is once leaked, the risk of such data being used for improper purposes will be increased. And so, companies and administrative bodies which handle personal information or data must promptly examine whether there are any deficiencies in their information management systems.
In the national bar exam for which fairness is a must, a low school professor who was involved in creating this year’s test questions leaked part of the test to an examinee.
In three insider trading cases, Nomura Securities Co. allegedly leaked information on a planned capital increase before it was made public.
It has come to light that Mitsubishi Electric Corp. was hit by a cyber-attack, by which the personal data of employees and top-secret corporate information have been leaked.
It is necessary for the government to develop a legal basis for counterintelligence to prevent sensitive information provided by the United States and other countries from being leaked.
It is not an easy task to regulate those who leak, sell and buy information about customers.
Juki Net has helped to improve public services for people and the efficiency of administrative work without serious information leaks or other troubles.
Nomura Securities Co. leaked its insider information to clients in an organized manner on a regular basis.
Nomura’s leaks of insider information to clients were routine until its insider trading scandal came to light.
Osaka-based travel agency’s customer data were leaked.
Personal data and information held by users whose PCs were infected by the viruses have been leaked on the Internet.
Resident registration numbers were leaked via the Internet in South Korea, which resulted in a number of cases of fraud in which identity thieves bought things using others’ numbers.
The Justice Ministry has filed a complaint with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office’s special investigation department against a professor, who leaked the part of this year’s bar examination, on suspicion of breaching confidentiality, a violation of the National Civil Service Law.
The possibility of a large amount of radioactive substances leaking from the reactors is now low.
The radiation leak at an experimental facility in Tokai village, Ibaraki Prefecture, is attributable to a chain of human errors by the researchers and others.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. will inspect major securities companies in response to a series of illegal stock transactions using information leaked by major securities firms.
To prevent insider trading using information leaked by securities firms, it will be necessary to introduce criminal penalties against firms that provide the information.
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