英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
lie in
〜にある 〜の状態にある 〜に存在する 〜する点にある 〜に横になる[横たわる] 〜に寝転がる 〜に埋葬されている
lie inの関連語句
lie inの用例
BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s approach itself is not entirely different from that during Shirakawa’s governorship. But a major difference lies in the increase in the types of financial products the BOJ will buy from financial institutions.
The advantage of freelancers working in a wide range of occupations lies in being able to use their knowledge and skills to work at any time or place.
The key to economic growth for an aging society with a declining birthrate lies in how to put the abilities of women and elderly people into full play.
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