
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

lifetime employment system [pattern]

終身雇用制度 (=life-long employment system)

lifetime employment system [pattern]の関連語句

lifetime employment system [pattern]の用例

According to a basic survey on schools, 128,000 of those who graduated from universities this spring have not found steady employment.

As many students want to secure employment in a well-known company, there remains the problem of a mismatch between graduating students and the small and midsize companies hoping to hire them.

Employment has soared on the strength of strong performance by industries such as the information technology, communications, medical, welfare and services sectors.

If visa-free foreign intern students receive no wages, it’s difficult to consider it illegal employment.

In the ongoing election campaign for the House of Representatives, the ruling and opposition camps are waging a fierce war of words over the current state of employment.

Japanese-style employment is exemplified by the seniority system.

Major challenges in the field of employment are improving working conditions for the steadily growing number of nonregular employees and rectifying long work hours to create pleasant job environments for all.

Nonregular employees get paid by hour while regular workers have been under a seniority-based wage system which presumes lifetime employment.

Scores on the TOEIC test have become an increasingly important yardstick for employment and promotion.

The government must push ahead with a growth strategy by means of nurturing new, promising kinds of industry and fostering external demand in Asia and elsewhere in order to materialize a “favorable boost in prices” accompanied by improvements in business activities and employment.

There is a strong tendency among university students to try to secure employment in a well-known company.

To eliminate wage differentials based on type of employment, opposition parties have taken a stand calling for improvement in the working conditions of nonregular workers by introducing the principle of equal pay for work of same kind.

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