
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

line and staff organization

ライン・アンド・スタッフ組織 ライン・スタッフ組織 直系参謀組織

line and staff organizationの関連語句

line and staff organizationの用例

Advances can be all for naught if countries soften their line.

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

As regards the issue of defending remote islands, it is essential for Japan to maintain air and maritime supremacy and improve the mobility of the GSDF’s power and amphibious functions along the lines of the U.S. Marine Corps.

As the Prince William’s wife is pregnant, the couple’s first child will be third in line to take the throne, leapfrogging Prince Harry.

Chinese military planes flew for the first time beyond the First Island Chain, the defense line set by the Chinese military which includes Okinawa Island and Miyakojima Island.

Firm banking is a system that provides information and bank transfers by directly or indirectly connecting bank’s computer to company’s computer via communication line.

In an effort to secure the profitability of its loss-making electronics business lines, Sony will launch a massive business restructuring, spinning off its key TV operations into a wholly owned subsidiary.

Japan voted for the U.N. resolution upgrading Palestine’s status at the world body and held the line against the United States which opposed it.

JA Zenchu’s proposal for reforming itself attempts to water down the government’s efforts to reform agricultural cooperatives, while some LDP lawmakers with ties to farm and forestry organizations are even maneuvering to fall into line with the JA Zenchu plan.

JR Tokai’s LO, a new model of maglev train for the Linear Chuo Shinkansen line, is designed to run at speeds of up to 550 kph.

JR Tokai unveiled the LO, a new model of superconducting magnetic levitation train, on the Yamanashi maglev test line in Tsuru, Yamanashi Prefecture.

Just before the San Francisco Peace Treaty went into effect, then South Korean President Syngman Rhee unilaterally took control of the Takeshima islands by creating the Syngman Rhee Line.

NTT’s monopolization of subscribers’ lines connecting NTT telephone stations and households has impeded fair competition among telecommunications companies.

Prince Tomohito, a cousin of the emperor, was sixth in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

Regarding the recent trespassers in the Senkaku Islands, no Chinese activists were harmed in line with the government’s initial policy.

The Japanese maker of small and midsize liquid crystal displays plans to relocate part of its production lines in China to Japan.

The powerful labor unions of JR Hokkaido are pointed out to be part of the reason for the distance between the people working on the front lines and those in managerial positions.

The primary factor behind the company’s sizable loss is poor business performance in its main product lines such as flat-screen TVs and digital cameras.

There are pros and cons on the SDF’ adoption of cruise missiles within both the Japanese and U.S. governments. But the bottom line is that the SDF and U.S. military must reexamine their roles from the standpoint of buttressing the Japan-U.S. alliance.

The two firms will charge IP phone users at the rate of about a flat of ¥8 per three minutes, which is in line with the charges of other companies that are already providing IP phone services.

The White House treading a fine line with the pivotal Arab ally Egypt urged the country to respect the right to peaceful protest.

To promote and boost the tourism industry, it is important to establish public infrastructure by the construction or extension of Shinkansen lines and through the building of airports or seaports that could become international hubs which will lead to strengthening international competitiveness.

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