
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)貸付け 貸出 融資 借入れ 債権 貸出債権 債務 借款 債券発行 貸付け金 借入金 借金 ローン 一時的勤務 出向 外来の風習



After the bank extended loans to crime-syndicate members, the FSA instructed the bank to clarify where responsibility lies and develop preventive measures.

As profit margins on loans diminished due to ultralow interest rates, 46 out of about 100 regional banks reported a loss in the fiscal year 2019 on customer services such as corporate and housing loans.

Commodity loans are used to import commodities such as industrial machinery, industrial raw materials, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals and machinery, and other various kinds of machinery, which are agreed upon beforehand between the Japanese and recipient governments.

Credit guarantee associations were established to make it easier for small and mid-sized companies to receive loans from financial institutions.

Credit loan companies screen customers’ ability to repay before banks provide loans in an affiliated loan program. And when the companies confirm the customers are suitable for banks to extend a loan, they guarantee repayment of the loans.

Egypt’s Morsi administration has concluded a basic agreement with the IMF on loans totaling $4.8 billion, with strings attached, in an effort to avert a default on debts.

Entrusted or instructed by the South Korean government, private banks jointly extended loans to the company.

Former chairman of Daio Paper Corp. obtained the loans of ¥5.5 billion from the company’s seven consolidated subsidiaries without collateral or approval from each subsidiary’s board of directors.

Government bond prices could drop precipitously, possibly causing interest rates on long-term loans to climb further, if confidence in government finances is shaken.

Gross foreign assets held by Japanese in the form of direct investment, securities investment, financial derivatives, loans and export credits, deposits, other investments and official foreign reserves came to ¥379.78 trillion.

In affiliated loans, banks are required to void the transactions by demanding credit loan companies repay the loans if the banks find problems with their loan customers.

In America where the Social Security number system is in place, a number of scams, in which numbers are stolen to take out loans in identity theft crimes, have occurred.

It’s pointed out that the ECB’s introduction of a negative deposit rate will increase the burden on commercial banks and worsen their finances, leading to a minimization of new loans and higher lending rates.

Japanese made abroad as well as the nation’s foreign reserves.

Japan’s foreign assets include investment in companies, securities, loans and savings Japanese made abroad as well as the nation’s foreign reserves.

Large firms such as trading and steel companies are taking out short-term loans to meet working capital needs.

Libor is widely used as a benchmark for rates of corporate loans, derivatives contracts and many other financial deals.

Loans from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank led by China have been sluggish due to skepticism that they might be used as a tool for China’s hegemony.

Overly radical methods for accelerating the disposal of bad loans would panic the banking sector and the financial market, possibly driving banks to shy away from extending new loans and even to call in existing loans.

The bank overlooked its loans to the members of organized crime syndicates.

The BOJ decided to introduce a new open market operation by supplying ¥10 trillion to private financial institutions in three month loans at an ultralow annual interest of 0.1 percent.

The federal funds rate is the interest that banks charge each other on overnight loans.

The FSA has ordered Mizuho Bank to rectify its business practices on the Banking Law as the bank had extended a total of ¥200 million in loans to members of crime syndicates.

The loans of ¥5.5 billion obtained from seven consolidated subsidiaries were mainly used to pay off gambling debts at overseas casinos and caused damages to those subsidiaries.

There have been no signs of a rebound in the amount of outstanding loans, which continue on an abated decline.

The two airlines plan to use the loans mainly to finance their planned capital investment and bond redemptions.

To defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery, it is necessary to restore a process that allows funds made available as a result of the BOJ’s monetary easing to be used as loans for plant and equipment investments to expand corporate profits and jobs.

Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose has made public a simple IOU given by him to the Tokushukai medical group, in an attempt to quell the storm over a controversial loan he received from the group.

To serve as the first chief of the new bureau of the International Criminal Police Organization, Noboru Nakatani, 44, who is on loan to the organization from the National Police Agency will be sent to Singapore.

Your Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe will step down as president of the party in the midst of a scandal involving ¥800 million in loans from DHC Corp. Chairman Yoshiaki Yoshida. But he said he wouldn’t resign as a Diet member.


(動)融資する 貸し出す 貸し付ける


About ¥70 billion has been loaned to the company.

China had loaned about $100 billion to nearly 60 developing countries through the China-led AIIB as of the end of 2018.

The bank increased revenues by loaning more money.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 [C]貸付金,ローン;融資;借金;公債,借款

a business loan

make [get, take out] a loan on ...

repay [pay off, pay back] the loan

2 [U][C]貸与,貸し付け;(一時的な)使用許可

make a loan of ...

paintings on loan from the National Gallery

3 [C]借用語,外来語;外来の風習

4 [U](他社などへの)一時的な勤務[協力]≪to

be on loan to another firm


1 ((主に米))〈人に〉〈物・金を〉貸す(lend);〈物・金を〉(人に)貸す(out)≪to≫;〈金を〉利子付きで貸しつける;((米方言))〈物を〉借りる

2 〈人を〉(…に)出向させる;((英))〈貴重品を〉(美術館などに)貸し出す(out)≪to

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

