
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

lower house

(日本の)衆議院(House of Representatives) 衆院 (英国の)下院(House of Commons) (=lower chamber;⇒dissolution, dissolve)

lower houseの関連語句

lower houseの用例

Anti-Putin rallies have been held repeatedly since the revelation of suspicions of voting fraud in an election of the State Duma, the lower house, in December 2011.

At a meeting of party members from the lower house and the upper house, the Japan Innovation Party’s Matsuno said, “We’ll work hand in hand with the DPJ.”

A Yomiuri Shimbun survey showed that nonaffiliated voters increased eight percentage points from 43 percent recorded in the previous survey conducted immediately after the dissolution of the lower house.

In the current divided Diet, the ruling bloc holds a majority in the lower house while the opposition bloc has control of the House of Councilors.

It will be difficult either for the Liberal Democratic Party or for the Democratic Party of Japan to gain an outright majority in the lower house in the next general election.

No prime minister will be able to stay in office for more than one year if the cabinet resigns or the lower house is dissolved every time the bill is taken hostage annually.

Prime Minister Noda and LDP President Tanigaki agreed that the lower house is to be dissolved “sometime soon.”

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda promised to dissolve the lower house soon for a snap election.

Smaller political parties have been wrong-footed by the Prime Minister Noda’s sudden announcement of the dissolution of the Diet’s lower house.

The Diet divided between the ruling camp-controlled lower house and an opposition-controlled upper house leads to the current political stalemate.

The upcoming general election of the lower house will be held under the current electoral system though a bill to reduce vote-value disparities passed the Diet just before the lower house was dissolved.

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