
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

natural gas


natural gasの関連語句

natural gasの用例

At some of the petrochemical factories which are under construction, ethylene and other materials will be produced from natural gas.

Businesses are wary of too-low yen as it would raise the costs of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

Coal and natural gas prices have sharply risen recently, too.

Following the government’s drilling operations in the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Aichi and Mie prefectures, the world’s first production tests for extracting natural gas from methane hydrate in the seafloor will start in January 2013.

From the standpoint of protecting the global environment and maintaining domestic energy self-sufficiency, the supply of green energy including water, solar and wind power as well as geothermal power and natural gas will be required to be further increased.

Methane hydrate is a form of natural gas and it was successfully extracted from the seafloor about 80 kilometers off the coast of Aichi Prefecture.

Shale gas, which can be used as fuel to operate thermal power plants and for other purposes, is a kind of natural gas found quite deep in the ground.

The government decided to dispatch Japanese experts to Russia to promote the introduction of alternatives to oil, such as wind power, solar energy and natural gas.

The increase in the CPI in June 2013 is mainly attributed to a rise in gasoline prices and electricity charges as import prices of crude oil and liquefied natural gas were pushed up by the yen’s depreciation.

The prices of U.S. natural gas currently are about $3 to $5 per million British thermal units (BTU) and they briefly dropped to the $2 range in 2012, while the gas was traded between $6 and $10 until about 2008 before U.S. shale gas production increased.

The sea area of the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Nagoya and Aichi prefectures has reserves of natural gas equal to more than 10 years worth of Japan’s annual imports of liquefied natural gas.

Transporting natural gas in solid form is much cheaper than moving liquefied natural gas.

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