natural resources

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

natural resources

天然資源 自然資源 (⇒ignite, push up costs)

natural resourcesの用例

Amid surging prices of crude oil and other resources, the sovereign wealth fund will invest mainly in solar power generation, fuel cells, and other new energy technologies and natural resources.

As Japan is not rich in natural resources such as crude oil and minerals, the nation imports large quantities of them.

As long as Japan depends on thermal power generation as an alternative electricity source, LNG imports will continue to increase and the nation’s wealth will flow to countries rich in natural resources.

In its Far East region, Russia is developing natural resources.

Seafloor hydrothermal deposits are seen as a promising natural resource.

The bank provides loans to finance Japanese firms’ purchase of overseas corporations and natural resource acquisitions.

The surge in prices of natural resources could ignite fears of inflation, causing countries around the world to implement tight monetary policies.

Under the seafloor in Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), abundant natural resources are sleeping.

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