
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

on suspicion of [that]

〜の疑いで 〜容疑で

on suspicion of [that]の関連語句

on suspicion of [that]の用例

A citizens group filed a criminal complaint against the prosecutor who made a falsified investigative report on suspicion of forging an official document with a seal or signature.

A former executive of the securities firm was arrested by the Yokohama District Public Prosecutors Office on suspicion of insider trading in violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

A man arrested on suspicion of possessing a pair of plastic handguns downloaded data on blueprints for the guns from overseas websites and made them on his own by keying the data into a 3-D printer he had purchased on the Internet.

An engineer held on suspicion of illegally divulging Toshiba research data on flash memory to Hynix, a South Korean firm, may have been rewarded with a large sum of money in return.

Carlos Ghosn, chairman of the alliance between Nissan Motor Co., Renault SA and Mitsubishi Motor Co. was arrested on suspicion of violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

Daio Paper’s former chairman was arrested on suspicion of aggravated breach of trust in November 2011.

FIFA top officials and others including the executives of sports marketing firms were arrested on suspicion of violating the U.S. RICO Act.

In a school bullying case, papers on two of three classmates were sent to prosecutors on suspicion of assault or other charges and the other was sent to a child consultation center for delinquency.

Mark Karpeles, head of the collapsed Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange, was arrested on suspicion of illegal production and use of private electromagnetic records.

No sign of alcohol was detected when the man arrested on suspicion of negligence resulting in injury while driving underwent a breath test.

Over the dinner parties held on the eve of former prime minister [Prime Minister] Abe’s cherry blossom-viewing events, Abe’s secretary received a summary order on suspicion of violating the Political Funds Control Law.

The European Commission, the executive body of the EU, called for its member nations to conduct a fact-finding survey based on suspicions that carmakers other than Volkswagen have also engaged in wrongdoing.

The FTC conducted an on-site inspection of the head office of Osaka Gas on suspicion of the abuse of its superior bargaining position against its business partners.

The government authorized the deportation of 14 anti-Japan activists from Hong Kong who were arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law by landing on Uotsurijima island.

The government will file a criminal complaint against Novartis Pharma K.K. on suspicion that the firm’s ads were tantamount to exaggerated advertising.

The joint investigation headquarters arrested an information technology company employee in Tokyo on suspicion of interfering with third-party businesses.

The manager of a video-related firm, who beamed the green rays at a U.S. helicopter carrying four marines near the Futenma base in Okinawa, was arrested on suspicion of obstructing business by force.

The man was held on suspicion of the forcible obstruction of business by flying the unmanned aircraft and landing it on the roof of the PM’s office.

The number of official criminal investigations on suspicion of physical violence and bodily injuries is increasing.

The personal computers of innocent people who were wrongly arrested on suspicion of sending online threats via their PCs were later found to have been infected with a virus which allowed a third party to control them remotely.

The 45-year-old suspect was arrested on suspicion of abandoning the body of a 13-year-old girl.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

