operating profit

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

operating profit

営業利益 営業収益 営業黒字 金融機関の業務純益 (=income from operations, operating income:売上高から販売・管理費を差し引いた収益で、本業のもうけを示す。⇒consolidated operating profits, red)

operating profitの用例

On the back of the weaker yen and brisk sales mainly in North America and Asia, Toyota expects to book group operating profit of ¥1.8 trillion for fiscal 2013.

The company’s consolidated operating profit estimates for fiscal 2012 were revised upward thanks to the retreating yen.

The estimated operating profit of Toyota in nonconsolidated accounting stems from its cost reduction efforts in addition to the recent weaker yen.

Toyota enjoyed an operating profit of more than ¥2 trillion in the last business year.

Toyota registered a new high in its profits for the first time in six years and its operating profit, or the profit earned from its core business operations, reached ¥2.3 trillion for the business year ending March 2014.

Toyota’s projected operating profit for fiscal 2013 will be the highest since it posted its largest-ever profit of ¥2.27 trillion in the business year ended in March 2008 before the Lehman shock in September 2008.

Under the midterm corporate strategy for the fiscal 2015-2017 period, Sony targets consolidated operating profit more than ¥500 billion and return-on-equity of more than 10 percent in fiscal 2017.

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óperating pròfit


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