
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)運営者 経営者 事業主 事業者 事業会社 運営会社 会社 電気通信事業者 電話交換手 交換取扱い者 コンピュータを操作する人 運転者 株の相場師 仕手 演算子 演算記号 オペレータ



A surprisingly large number have yet to flick the “on” switch among business operators awarded the right to generate electricity through renewable energy sources including solar power to sell it to power companies under the feed-in tariff system.

Business operators in the pharmaceutical industry provide people with estimates about the spread of colds in their areas by analyzing both postings on the Internet about the prevalence of colds and weather forecasts.

Hotels, airlines and cruise operators especially in countries close to China are among the industries suffering the most immediate repercussions, due to the spread of new coronavirus.

In a deal called “salary factoring,” a financial operator buys the right to receive the salary of a customer, which becomes a claim, and then gives the customer cash after deducting a commission. And when the customer receives his or her salary at a later date, the customer pays the operator the amount equivalent to the claim.

In the taxi industry, cutthroat competition among taxi operators will intensify and lead to a drop in income for taxi drivers and a continuation of long work hours of them because they work on a commission basis unless taxi fleets are reduced drastically.

Major furniture chain operator Otsuka Kagu Ltd. established in1969 as Otsuka Kagu Center started stocking more imported goods in 1994 and saw rapid growth with its sales style of employees escorting customers in its stores.

Many of illegal websites have servers overseas, so it is difficult to identify the operators of them.

Supermarket chain operator Aeon temporarily stopped transactions with Sharp.

Takuya Hirai, minister for digital transformation, [Digital transformation minister Takuya Hirai] is known as one of the foremost experts on information technology within the Liberal Democratic Party and has extensive personal connections with start-up business operators.

The revised law empowers the government to issue orders to taxi operators, including owner-driver taxis, which fail to comply with the plans of reducing taxi fleets and restricting business hours.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/άpərèitər | ɔ́p-/


1 (機械などの)運転者,操作者,オペレーター,((米))(バスなどの)運転士;電話交換手

1a 手術者,執刀者

2 ((米))経営者,運営者;《証券》相場師

3 ((略式))策士,やり手

a smooth operator

4 《数学・コンピュ》演算子(◇演算を表す記号)

5 《遺伝》オペレーター,作動遺伝子

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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