
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)患者 病人 要介護者



A doctor administered a muscle relaxant to an unconscious patient, resulting in his death.

A female patient with chronic glomerulonephritis will undergo transplant surgery to receive a brain-dead boy’s kidneys at Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital.

As deregulation, the Abe administration intends to expand the scope of mixed treatments, a combination of medical practices covered in part by public health insurance and in part by patients.

At the hospital following the quake, most of the elderly patients brought in for emergency treatment were unconscious and in a state of cardiac arrest.

Bereaved family members filed a damages lawsuit against the government and the importer and seller of the lung cancer drug Iressa, claiming that patients died from side effects of the drug.

By producing nerve and bone cells from the iPS cells produced from patients who have rare diseases, research to identify the causes of rare diseases has been carried out.

Currently 653 disaster base hospitals designated by cities, towns and villages are responsible for providing emergency care to patients in serious condition, functioning as headquarters for disaster medical assistance teams from across the country.

Dental instruments come into contact with patients’ saliva and blood during treatment, so it is essential to replace used instruments with newly sterilized tools for each patient to avoid the transmission of viral or bacterial infections.

In Hubei Province of China, medical services collapsed due to lack of medical care workers and medical supplies, and patients infected with the new coronavirus died at home one after another without being able to receive medical treatment.

In the clinical research project scheduled to be launched as early as the summer of 2014, iPS cells will be created from a patient’s skin cells and cultivated to form cell sheets that will be attached to the retina.

In the iPS treatment of age-related macular degeneration, it is impossible to forecast what cellular anomalies could take place after the transplant of the iPS cell sheets to patients.

Many of patients who have severe diseases, such as terminal cancer, want to take new drugs, even being keenly aware of possible side effects.

Nursing-care robots are designed to help patients live independently and to reduce the burden on caretakers.

Patients are entitled to refunds if their payments to hospitals and other medical institutions exceed certain levels.

Preimplantation diagnosis on patients other than those with serious genetic diseases is not allowed by the guidelines of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Regarding decisions on life-saving treatment for terminal patients, the will of each patient currently has to be respected.

The anticancer drug Gefitinib, marketed as Iressa, was administered to 286 lung cancer patients in Japan prior to clinical tests and before the drug’s official approval.

The doctor administered the muscle relaxant without confirming the patient’s intention to seek mercy killing.

The issue of securing financial resources of a new support system for patients suffering from rare diseases will be conferred at minister-level negotiations.

To calculate the probability of the occurrence of side effects from medical drugs, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will collect information including prescriptions, symptoms and the results of tests from patients’ electronic medical records.

To prevent the spread of infections at dental clinics, it is vital that measures are taken on the premise that every patient could be a source of infection.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 (…に)辛抱[忍耐]強い≪with≫;辛抱強そうな;がまんできる;根気のよい,勤勉な;〈研究・労働などが〉持続的な

be patient with the immaturity of youth

2 〈文章・法律・事実などが〉(批判・解釈などを)許す;((古))容れる余地がある≪of


1 病人,患者

2 《言語学》ある行為を受ける人,受動者

3 ((古))受難[犠牲]者



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