
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)期間 時期 局面 〜期 年度 年数 会計期間 会計年度 事業年度 ピリオド (⇒deflationary period, glacial period of job seekers)



According to the OECD’s latest economic outlook for emerging Asian economies, the 10 ASEAN economies will grow by an average 5.4 percent a year in the 2014-2018 period.

After North Korea’s third nuclear test, the Kaesong industrial park fell victim to an extended period of heightened tension.

A nursing-care robot does not retain heat after long periods of its use or produce static electricity during its use.

As a four-way joint campaign of Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, the Tokyo metropolitan government designated the period ending May 6, 2020 as “Stay Home Week” and called for people to thoroughly refrain from going out.

Due to a shortened job-hunting period for university students, it may become even more difficult for smaller companies to acquire human resources as only big companies may attract students.

During the April-June period, the gross domestic product rose by an annualized 1.3 percent from the preceding quarter.

During the upper house election campaign period, a fierce war of words regarding Abenomics could erupt.

Economic policies for boosting growth and helping the economy break free from a prolonged period of deflation have come to the fore in the Dec. 16 House of Representatives election.

Examinations for career-track positions for national civil servants, which are currently held from April to June, will be reviewed if the job-hunting period for university students is shortened.

In response to the restructuring efforts of Renesas Electronics, a leading chipmaker, about 3,000 employees left the company through its early retirement program during the April-September period of 2013.

It seems inevitable that the TPP free trade negotiations will drag on for a protracted period.

It would also be wise to consider extending the period during which unemployment benefits are paid to job seekers who are receiving job training.

Japan’s customs-cleared trade deficit in April-September 2014 came to ¥5.43 trillion, up 8.6 percent from a year before and the largest for any fiscal first-half period since comparable data became available in fiscal 1979.

Japan’s gross domestic product contracted an annualized 3.5 percent in price- adjusted real terms during the third quarter compared to the previous period, posting declines for the second consecutive quarter.

Lack of opportunity to thoroughly discuss cases among judges at district courts without using a council system, will lead to dogmatic rulings.

Net profit per share in the period dived to ¥6.07 from ¥41.95 in the same period a year earlier as a result of a sharp increase in the number of the company’s outstanding shares.

Regarding Article 96 which stipulates procedures for constitutional amendments, the LDP must explain its stance more thoroughly to win over the people.

Some small and medium-sized companies plan to take on more recruits during this year’s job hunting season to avoid conflicts with major companies, with the selection period to be cut significantly shorter.

The balance of trade in goods and services logged a surplus of ¥3.43 trillion in the April-September period.

The Bank of Japan typically purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past.

The BOJ is expected to work with the government under Haruhiko Kuroda, the next governor of the central bank to help the national economy extricate itself from a protracted period of deflation.

The declaration of a state of emergency issued to respond to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus covers seven prefectures including Tokyo and Osaka over a period through May 6, 2020.

The deflator, which indicates the overall trend in prices, dropped 2.5 percent in the April-June period compared to the corresponding period last year.

The democratization of Egypt has been advanced after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Arab Spring and a brief period of military rule.

The government’s midterm economic and fiscal outlook defined the coming two years as an economic adjustment period.

The job hunting period for university students will be shortened to create an environment in which they can concentrate on their schoolwork.

The margin of decrease in the GDP in the April-June period was as large as that for the July-September quarter of 2001, during the last period of economic doldrums.

The number of rubella cases which have been reported chiefly from the Kanto region is 20 times higher than the figure reported during the corresponding period last year.

The number of stalking warnings by police across the nation from January to May 2012 jumped by about 70 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

The positive growth will continue from the July-September period on, but it is too early to conclude that the Japanese economy is fully on a recovery track.

The previous period of the U.S. economic expansion, which ended in 2001, lasted 10 years.

The revision of the firm’s assumed exchange rate will translate into an additional ¥150 billion loss in its consolidated accounts for the six-month period through March 2015.

Though the BOJ purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past, it will buy government bonds with longer maturity periods up to 40 years.

To restore domestic industries, the government will designate the next five years as an emergency period for structural reforms, focusing on measures such as utilizing the female labor force and promoting private investment.

Toshiba Corp. and Hitachi Ltd. recorded firm results in the latest period, in sharp contrast with the other three major electronics manufacturers currently in the red.

Under the midterm corporate strategy for the fiscal 2015-2017 period, Sony targets consolidated operating profit more than ¥500 billion and return-on-equity of more than 10 percent in fiscal 2017.

Under the revised law of normalizing and invigorating the taxi industry, new entries into the industry and taxi fleet expansions will be prohibited for a certain period in the “special areas” where the number of cabs is regarded as excessive.

We can cancel a contract unconditionally within a cooling-off period even if it is signed with an unethical trader.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 (時間的な)一区切り期間,時期,時代,周期;(試合などの)一区切り,ピリオド,(授業の)時限(((英))lesson

a period of 1980-1990

the Edo period

the orbital period of Mars

A game consists of 2 periods of 10 minutes each.

have English second period

1a 《医学》期間;周期;〔しばしばone's ~〕月経(期間)

be having one's period [on one's period]

1b 《地学》紀;《数学》(循環小数の)周期;《天文・物理学》周期;《化学》(元素の)周期;《音楽》楽節,楽段

2 ((米))終止符,ピリオド(((英))full stop);((古))(物事の)終わり


━━[間]〔文末で〕((米略式))終わり,以上(((英))full stop

No comment, period!


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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