
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)過程 (時間の)経過 推移 (事の)進行 進展 工程 流れ 段階 部門 方法 手順 製法 手続き 訴訟手続き (出頭)令状 召喚状 作業 活動 (化学的な)作用 変化 写真製版法 印刷法 隆起 突起 プロセス (⇒political process)



According to a law on management and preservation of official state documents, the decision-making process must also be recorded as an official document.

At the beginning of the press conference at an Osaka hotel, Haruko Obokata, the lead author of Nature articles about STAP cells, apologized for her carelessness, ignorance and immaturity in the process of writing the theses on STAP cell creation.

A victim of sexual assault may suffer additional victimization during the police investigation and court process due to the lack of consideration of the victim’s privacy by police, prosecutor and judges.

Because of the domestic lengthy process of approving production and sales of medical devices, some domestic medical device makers have been applying for product approval in Europe and the United States first.

3-D printers, which do not need any metal mold in a manufacturing process, can be used in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing parts for automobiles and aircrafts and making artificial bones.

Egypt’s democratization process launched after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak has entered a new dimension due to the enforcement of the country’s new Constitution.

Following the indictment of high-ranking FIFA officials and others by the U.S. Justice Department, Swiss authorities have also launched criminal proceedings into suspected irregularities involving the processes for selecting the host venue of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments.

Genes that can trigger cancer have to be used in the process of making iPS cells, so iPS cells have the possibility of turning cancerous.

In an age of e-books, the entire process of publishing scientific journals is online, from the submission of articles to internal peer review, selection for publication, editing and dissemination.

In February 2006, hedge funds were required to go through a registration process and accept regulatory inspections, but this regulation scheme was scrapped in June.

In the case of the U.S. two major airlines, it took slightly more than four months to complete the whole process from the announcement of a merger plan to its approval.

In the presidential election in 2012, Egyptian citizens have by and large refrained from involving themselves in the democratization process.

It is all the more clear that the economy is in the process of recovering, with real GDP for the April-June quarter revised upward to an annualized increase of 3.8 percent from the first quarter.

It is necessary to make audio and video recordings of the investigators’ entire interrogation process of suspects in order to prevent false charges from being brought.

Japan must play a proactive role in reviving the Middle East peace process aimed at a lasting and peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Myanmar President Thein Sein has pushed ahead with a democratization process, as is shown in the victory of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a parliamentary by-election, and has repaired relations with the global community.

STAP cells were produced by collecting lymphocytes from mice spleen, bathing them in acid solution for about 30 minutes, and after that by cultivating the lymphocyte cells by adding a special protein. The process transformed the cells into pluripotent cells in two or three days.

The company will try to speed up the decision-making process.

The Council for Science and Technology Policy of Japan is chaired by the prime minister, but its policymaking and implementation processes are limited by an administration characterized by sectionalism that hinders coordination and integration among related ministries and agencies.

The development of cross-border infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has prompted a number of multinational corporations to transfer some of their manufacturing processes to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to take advantage of cheaper labor costs.

The IAEA gave the green light to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency’s review process of stress tests for nuclear reactors.

The losses continue for the firm which is currently going through a corporate rebuilding process.

The official start of university students’ job hunting activities will be set at March 1 after spring 2016, and the official start of the selection process including interviews will be set at Aug 1.

To defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery, it is necessary to restore a process that allows funds made available as a result of the BOJ’s monetary easing to be used as loans for plant and equipment investments to expand corporate profits and jobs.

With the addition of the production support company in Thailand, Toyota has strengthened the integration of its development, production and distribution process.


(動)処理する 加工する 加工処理する 整理する 資料を分類調査する (データを)コンピュータに入れて調査する[コンピュータに入力する] コンピュータで処理する 起訴する 召喚状を発する 令状を発送する



Kirobo, a therapy humanoid robot which is programmed to process questions and select words from its vocabulary to construct an answer, put through its paces by speaking in Japanese with astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station.

Since each cow is thoroughly examined, infected cattle are not likely be sold or processed in the future.

The company has been strengthening its lineup of in-house processed and prepared food items which have higher profit rates.

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/prάses | próu-/


1 [C](製造・加工などの)過程,(作業)工程,処理,手順;《写真》写真製版法;《コンピュ》プロセス

the process of making cheese

processes of mechanical recording

1a [C]一連の活動[作用];経年的変化

the process of digestion

in the process

be in (the) process of (doing)

the aging process

2 [U](事態などの)前進,進行(状態),(時の)経過

the process of history

speed up the process of development

3 [C]《法律》訴訟手続き;召喚[呼び出し]令状,出頭[提出]命令

4 [C]《生物・解剖》隆起,突起;付属器


1 〈材料などを〉加工[処理]する,〈農産物を〉商品化する;〈書類・資料などを〉処理[整理]する;〈応募者などを〉審査する;《写真》〈フィルムなどを〉現像する;《コンピュ》〈データなどを〉処理する;〈巻き毛を〉(薬品で)ストレートにする

processed foods

2 《法律》〈人を〉起訴する,訴訟を起こす;…に令状[召喚状]を送る


process cheese



出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
