英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)質 品質 品位 特質 特性 性格 性質 良質 優良 高級 内容 優良品 社会的に高い地位 上流階級 音質 クオリティ (⇒improve, market expansion, monopoly on information)
As products from other Asian countries are becoming more competitive, Japanese products can no longer compete with Asian rivals solely on the basis of their quality.
Cloning technology is said to be instrumental in increasing the production of high-quality beef.
Japanese automakers’ launching of new bases in ASEAN countries reflects the improvements in the quality of components manufactured by local suppliers.
Measures to tighten quality controls on Chinese food products, taken by many Japanese manufacturers in China, include more stringent tests on the amounts of agricultural chemicals used at Chinese farms and on the quality of processing materials used at Chinese factories.
Mobile phone subscribers are the most demanding of customers for improved service quality and features.
Next generation 4K televisions feature high resolution image quality with about 4,000 horizontal pixels, while ordinary high-vision TVs have less than 2,000 horizontal pixels.
Not only did the company win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, but it also became the first American manufacturing company to win Japan’s top quality, the prestigious Deming Prize.
South Korean part makers’ product quality has been enhanced to a level that measures up favorably to their Japanese counterparts.
The Akutagawa Prize is awarded to writers of serious literature which stresses artistic qualities, while the Naoki Prize is awarded to writers of popular fiction which focuses on compelling storytelling.
The center of gravity in Japan’s national defense has been shifting from quantity to quality and defense spending has been cut since the end of the Cold War.
The country offers medium-quality weapons systems to cash-strapped militaries at affordable prices.
Uncontested electoral wins could lead to the degradation of the quality of municipality heads and assembly members and residents’ weaker interest in local politics.
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