英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(名)電波探知機 レーダー装置 レーダー
A Chinese Navy vessel locked fire-control radar onto an MSDF destroyer in the East China Sea on the north of the Senkaku Islands on Jan. 30, 2013.
China’s action of the use of weapon-targeting radar is a clearly hostile action and falls outside of the realms of common sense.
China’s dangerous actions such as the use of fire control radar could cause an emergency.
China seems to have used weapon-targeting radar on an MSDF vessel in the East China Sea believing that Japan would not fight back.
China’s provocations against Japan over the Senkakus could have developed into an armed clash at sea as a Chinese Navy frigate locked its fire-control radar on an MSDF destroyer.
The F-35, a next-generation jet produced jointly with the United States, has stealth capability that makes it virtually invisible to radar.
The F-35 has advanced communications network capabilities for transmitting and sharing information in addition to having its stealth features to make it less visible to radar.
The Japanese government revealed the incident of China’s use of fire-control radar on a MSDF destroyer to the public to convey China’s provocative actions to the world.
Warships including destroyers generally use the fire-control radar toward a target to determine its location using radio waves.
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