
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

report card

成績通知表 成績報告書 通信簿 成績

report cardの関連語句

report cardの用例

According to a report released by the Japan Policy Council, the number of women in 20s and 30s is likely to drop by 50 percent or more in about half of the municipalities in Japan by 2040.

According to the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report, Japanese banks’ JGB holdings would rise to 30 percent of their total assets in 2017 from 24 percent in 2011.

Administrative Vice Finance Minister Junichi Fukuda is proceeding with preparations to file a lawsuit against Shinchosha Publishing Co., which reported the alleged sexual harassment, on the grounds that the report is defamatory.

A lawyer, who received whistle-blowing reports from a corporate employee, has been reprimanded by the lawyer’s bar association for revealing the informant’s identity.

An inside report on leaked information about the planned capital increases of listed companies was made public by lawyers outside the firm.

A prosecutor falsified an investigative report in the case former DPJ President Ichiro Ozawa was accused of violating the Political Funds Control Law.

As a basis for its economic assessment, the report referred to increases in exports, progress in inventory adjustment and the bottoming out of industrial production.

In a bizarre move, the Rules and Administration committees of both houses of the Diet have called on the government to investigate the media report on planned government nominations in advance.

In a report released by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Apple was held up as an example of legal tax avoidance.

In its Quadrennial Defense Review report, the U.S. Defense Department has highlighted it plans to continue efforts to strengthen the country’s alliances with Japan and other Asia-Pacific nations.

It was pointed out in the final report that the dogmatic decision-making of the training committee head was inappropriate.

Japanese consumer groups and others expressed a range of concerns as no reports were released during the behind-closed-doors TPP negotiations.

Riken executives released an interim report on an internal investigation into alleged irregularities in two papers on potentially groundbreaking pluripotent stem cell research.

Since the schoolboy’s suicide, his father tried three times to submit an offense report to Otsu Police Station, but it was turned down by the police.

Ten reports of deaths are suspected to be linked to eight types of over-the-counter drugs.

The Fiscal System Council’s report released on May 27, 2013 emphasized the need for curbing social welfare expenditures and a growth strategy aimed at increasing tax revenues.

The government kept its basic economic assessment for December intact in its monthly economic report.

The report gave a detailed description of the questioning in a question-and-answer format.

The report of recommendations on education of high school students as voting citizens submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calls for a legal revision to make it possible to impose penalties on teachers who deviate from political neutrality.

The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to compile a report on measures to prevent sediment disaster by setting up a panel to discuss the measures.

The United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched its World Intellectual Property Indicators 2012 report and said that global patent filings in 2011 swelled to a record 2.14 million.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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