
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)居住者 定住者 住民 市民 医学実習生[研修生] 駐在官 弁務官 レジデント (形)住んでいる 居住[在住、駐在]している 常駐の 常任の 専任の 住み込みで働く 固有の 内在する 季節移動しない 留鳥の (⇒Juki Net)



According to a system which the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry introduced in 2010, additional medical remuneration for hospitals is provided if they establish resident teams of specialists in the prevention of infectious diseases.

A law office specializing in legal consultation for foreign residents opened in Minato Ward, Tokyo, in Oct.15, 2012, financially backed by a bar association.

A referendum in which the residents of Crimea region voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia was held in accordance with international legal norms, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

As a case of voter fraud, officials at one facility for the mentally handicapped instructed residents to vote for a certain candidate.

Despite public-service warnings against hoarding amid the call for self-restraint of unnecessary and unurgent outings on weekend, residents stocked up on everything from instant noodles to toiletries and fresh produce.

Foreign residents often hesitate to ask for legal advice because of the language barrier.

In some states of the United States, sexual offenders are required to register with local authorities and reveal their status to local residents.

In the model project of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, residents will be able to receive health guidance from public health nurses or dietitians at municipal health centers if residents download an application to their smartphone and send the centers such necessary information and data as their weight, daily diet, blood pressure and number of steps taken via the device.

In the Syrian-Turkish border region, the entrance to Islamic State’s controlling areas, there are local residents who attempt to lure foreign journalists wanting to enter those areas by saying they can work as guides.

J-Alert is a system to instantly relay emergency information from the central government to local residents.

Japan’s population dropped by 263,000 to 126,650,000 as of the end of March 2012, based on people listed in basic resident registers.

Juki of Juki Net means resident registration information controlled by municipalities.

Local governments have designated facilities for the elderly and disabled people who need nursing care as welfare shelters, but few facilities have the surplus capacity to accept evacuees in addition to the residents already there.

Most legal permanent residents who are at least 18 years of age are eligible to apply for citizenship after certain requirements.

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau instructed Beijing residents to stop anti-Japan protests via short text messages.

The city government of Kawasaki notified the fee-charging nursing home for the elderly that it would impose an administrative punishment, in the wake of a series of fatal falls involving three elderly residents at the home.

The impact of cutbacks stemming from the shrinking tax income is affecting local residents.

The number of registered foreign residents totaled about 2.08 million as of the end of 2011, with most of them living in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The Yamaguchi District Court’s Iwakuni branch ordered the state to pay noise pollution damages to 654 residents around a U.S. air base which is jointly used by the U.S. military and the Self-Defense Forces.

To avoid [prevent] an overshoot in the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike urged [requested] the capital’s residents not to leave their home for nonessential purposes this weekend.

To make a booking [reservation] for the vaccination at the mass vaccination sites, residents will need a vaccination voucher from their municipality.

Under the rezoning of evacuation areas, areas where the accumulated radiation exposure is less than 20 millisieverts per year would be designated “zones being prepared for residents’ return.”

When a serious nuclear accident is anticipated, residents within a five-kilometer radius will evacuate immediately.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 (長期にわたる)居住者,在住者(◆一時滞在者は visitor);((米))寄宿生;((英))(ホテルなどの)宿泊客

Japanese residents in England

The residents of the city protested the high taxes.

1a 外国駐在外交官,弁務官;外国に滞在する諜報部員;((歴史上))インド総督代理

2 ((米))(時に病院構内に居住する)研修医,レジデント(((英))registrar

3 (大学・劇団・オーケストラなどとある期間)専属契約を結んだ芸術家[作家],専門家

4 《鳥類》留鳥


1 ((形式))(…に)居住[在住,駐在]している≪in

be resident in Spain

resident aliens

1a 〔限定〕住み込みの

a resident doctor

a resident student

1b 専属の,((戯))お抱えの;((皮肉))入りびたりの

2 〈性質・権利などが〉(…に)備わっている,内在する,固有の≪in

3 《鳥類》〈鳥が〉渡り鳥でない,留鳥の

4 《コンピュ》〈プログラムなどが〉常駐の


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例



[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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