
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)対応 対応策 反応 反響 効果 結果 回答 応答 返答 レスポンス (⇒in response, policy response)



As Ospreys transport aircrafts are superior in terms of cruising speed and flight range, they will help U.S. marines improve their rapid response capabilities and strengthen the deterrent of U.S. forces as a whole.

Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka appears to be often left out of the loop when it comes to deciding Japan’s responses to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

Given the severe security environment surrounding Japan, it’s a reasonable response that the government will increase its defense spending to cope with China’s maritime expansion and North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.

If a company takes a delayed response in its business strategy, it is bound to hit a wall no matter how excellent the company is.

In a joint response to the global financial crisis, the U.S. FRB, ECB and central banks in Britain, Canada, Sweden and Switzerland cut interest rates in unison.

In December 2012, the UNSC adopted a resolution in response to requests from the Mali government, authorizing military intervention by the country’s neighbors.

In minimizing damage from a large-scale calamity, the Ground Self-Defense Force excels in planning carefully thought-out disaster responses and mobilizing troops for necessary operations on the strength of their military expertise.

In response to crude oil price hikes, Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. will raise the prices of polyethylene and polypropylene by 20-30 percent.

In response to requests for harsher punishments for juvenile crimes from victims of juvenile crimes and of its families, the government decided to revise the juvenile law at a Cabinet meeting.

In response to the restructuring efforts of Renesas Electronics, a leading chipmaker, about 3,000 employees left the company through its early retirement program during the April-September period of 2013.

In the spring wage negotiations at major companies, management presented responses to their unions’ requests for wage hikes at the same time.

Prime Minister Kan will resign as soon as the response to the March 11 disaster has been stabilized.

Pyongyang announced that it would extend its ballistic missile launch because it had found a technical deficiency in the missile, but it might have been a ploy to test the South Korea’s military response and observation system.

Raising the outstanding balance of current accounts held by private financial institutions at the central bank to between ¥27 trillion and ¥30 trillion remained within the range of conventional responses.

The company’s insensitive responses are unsurprisingly lambasted as a monopoly company’s arrogance.

The Fed raised the discount rate to 0.75 percent from 0.5 percent as a response to improved financial market conditions.

The government’s tough restrictions on competition and setting the bar high for new entrants into the taxi industry seem to be in response to appeals from existing taxi operators.

The GSDF’s garrison, which is planned to be deployed at Japan’s Southeastern Islands, will be tasked with handling emergency situations on remote islands and making initial responses to large-scale disasters.

The maintenance of a missile defense shield requires a sequence of quick responses of identifying early signs of a missile launch, detecting the launch, the pursuit of the incoming missile and its interception.

The Park Geun-hye administration has been under fire over its inadequate response to the ferry sinking disaster.

There is a limit to the response to the problem of the twindemic of the novel [new] coronavirus and influenza in the conventional medical care system as winter approaches.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. will inspect major securities companies in response to a series of illegal stock transactions using information leaked by major securities firms.

The U.S. military’s new MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft deployed in Okinawa Prefecture will play significant roles in times of peace, including disaster response operations and providing humanitarian aid.

To head off a repeat of the response in Ferguson, Missouri, the police officials of New York met with community leaders in anticipation of the announcement on the grand jury decision.

Toyota revised upward its consolidated operating profit estimates for the business year ending March 31, 2013, largely due to improved profitability in its exports from a weakening of the yen in response to “Abenomics,” the economic policy of the Abe administration.

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/rispάns | -spɔ́ns/


1 [C][U]応答,(…への)返答≪to≫,(…に対する/…からの)感応,反応,反響≪to/from≫;《生物》(刺激に対する)反応≪to

in response to a question [public opinion]

a positive [favorable] response

give [make] a response to ...

His appeal met with no response.

2 [C]〔通例~s〕《教会》唱和;応唱聖歌

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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