revenge porn

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

revenge porn

リベンジ(復讐)ポルノ (元交際相手などの裸の画像を、ふられた腹いせなどの理由でインターネット上に流出させる行為。2014年11月に、「リベンジ・ポルノ被害防止法」が施行された)

revenge pornの用例

National Police Agency data showed the number of consultations police received over “revenge porn,” or the posting of sexually explicit images of former lovers online, came to 1,143 in 2015, of which 90 percent were women and nearly 20 percent were minors.

Under the law against revenge porno which came into effect in November 2014, offenders face a prison term of up to 3 years.

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