
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

sales campaign

商戦 売出し 販売キャンペーン セールス・キャンペーン

sales campaignの関連語句

sales campaignの用例

Ahead of the election campaign, the ruling parties are going to emphasize their positive stance toward the national civil servant system reform.

As the number of pirate sites continue to increase, an industry group has launched a campaign to eradicate [stamp out] them.

As the U.S. Supreme Court struck down some limits on campaign contributions, it’s possible for big donors to play an even greater role in U.S. congressional and presidential campaigns.

As the Vawtrak computer virus has been rampant across the world, the Metropolitan Police Department has launched a campaign to neutralize it.

At the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney sat down for lunch to seek to put their bitter campaign behind them.

China’s anti-Japan propaganda campaign has caused a drop in Japanese firms’ investment in China and the number of Japanese tourists.

European automakers have launched low-interest loan and cost-free repair campaigns by taking advantage of the yen’s strength against the euro.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

If the use of the Internet is liberalized in election campaigns, the Internet can serve as a means for candidates’ swift rebuttal when negative information is circulated about them.

In a bid to persuade nearly half a million grassroots members to back the grand coalition of Germany’s Social Democrats, the party began a do-or-die campaign.

In smartphone payments, each smartphone operators repeatedly launched refund campaigns to win customers. As a result, Yahoo’s PayPay and Line Pay suffered losses.

In the Tokyo assembly campaign, attention is focused on whether the LDP and New Komeito will together win the 64 seats needed for a majority.

Israel’s main ally at the height of a U.S. presidential election campaign has been unsettled by Israel’s “go-it-alone” option to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.

Political parties must show their concrete steps for defeating deflation in the election campaign.

Several of the revisions to the bill have more to do with congressional election campaign than with financial stabilization.

Since Japan nationalized the Senkaku Islands, China’s unjustified propaganda campaign over the islands has run rampant, conveying false and improper messages to the world.

Since Myanmar’s military coup on Feb.1, 2021, the country has been roiled by a burgeoning civil disobedience campaign and massive street protests.

South Korea’s new president Park gave prominence to relations with Japan, including the conclusion of an economic partnership agreement, during the presidential election campaign.

The biggest issue of the French presidential campaign is economic policy.

The Chinese government allowed people to stage a campaign to boycott Japanese products following anti-Japan demonstrations.

The European Central Bank halted its campaign of interest rate cuts, leaving its benchmark at 2 percent.

The government must demonstrate the legitimacy of Japan’s territorial claim on the Senkakus to the international community to counter China’s propaganda campaign on the islands in the United States and Europe.

The ISIL extremists have destroyed a number of shrines as parts of a campaign to eliminate what they view as heresy.

The LDP’s election campaign platform contains monetary policies bolder than measures taken by the current administration, including setting an annual inflation target of 2 percent.

The National Trust movement, which started in Britain in the 19th century, is a citizens’ campaign to collect donations to purchase plots of land to maintain natural and historical environments.

The official campaign for the House of Representatives election kicked off on December 4, 2012.

The result of the Brazilian presidential election reflected a nation deeply divided after the most acrimonious campaign since the return to democracy.

The ruling camp’s draft bill on revising the referendum law initially included a clause banning government employees from participating in organized campaigning soliciting people to vote, conducting signature-collecting campaigns and holding demonstrations.

To apply for prizes such as travel coupons and airline tickets in the giveaway section of a website operated by a subsidiary of Yahoo Japan, people are asked to click the Facebook Like button of companies organizing the giveaway campaigns.

We can’t keep our eyes off the presidential election campaigns of the LDP and the DPJ as we want to know who is most likely to win.

sales campaign

商戦 販売キャンペーン セールス・キャンペーン

sales campaignの用例

During the latest summer sales campaign, one leading retailer offered a 32-inch liquid crystal display television at less than ¥200,000.

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