
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

security loans


security loansの関連語句

security loansの用例

According to the campaign pledges of the political parties, they are hesitant to ask the public to pay more for their social security system.

A new “childcare security plan” worked out by the government calls for the provision of childcare services for about 140,000 children from fiscal 2021 to the end of fiscal 2024.

A nuclear energy policy is important in helping ensure a stable power supply and protecting the environment, and it also affects the whole spectrum of matters related to steering the ship of state, including the nation’s economy, diplomacy and national security.

Because of the tight security surrounding Sochi, visitors to the Olympic Village where about 6,000 athletes are staying have to go through stringent ID checks.

Calling computer security one of the top problems in the United States, the government is forming special units to prosecute hacking and copyright violation.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said, “The will of the Chinese government and the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty, security and interest in development is rock solid.

During the upper chamber’s plenary session, the specially designated intelligence protection law, which imposes stiffer penalties on civil servants and other parties who leak classified national security information, was enacted with a majority of votes by the ruling bloc.

If a crisis breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, the alliance among Japan, the United States and South Korea, based on the Japan-U.S. security framework.

If the Komeito and the LDP agree to form a coalition government after the lower house election, the former may put a leash on LDP President Abe by including a clause of requiring the LDP not to deviate from the conventional government view on security as his policies tend to lean strongly to the right.

In contrast to the glowing touches put into place for the opening of the sports event, the Sochi Winter Olympics is under tight security against an Islamist radical group’s terrorist attacks.

Japan-ASEAN ties are meaningful in ensuring regional security, particularly freedom of navigation at sea.

Lifetime employment system enables employees to work with a sense of security.

President Barack Obama and Republicans are also at odds over the scale of spending cuts in social security and other fields as well as ending tax cuts for the wealthy.

Spring offensives over the past several years focused on ensuring job security, rather than wage hikes.

The military is taking charge of public security, Thailand’s army chief General Prayuth said.

The national security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe as epitomized by China’s declaration of an air defense identification zone.

The North Korea issue is directly connected to the security of Japan.

The right of collective self-defense refers to the right of a country to regard a foreign armed attack on its ally as a threat to its own security and use force to contain the threat.

The right to collective self-defense would enable Japan to support U.S. military activities when it comes to Asian security.

The terrorist attacks on the United States struck a profound blow to the perception of the Japanese about their national security.

To deepen strategic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries in the field of maritime security, Japan must improve the software aspect of assistance, such as conducting a technical training, in addition to the hardware aspect of aid such as providing goods and cash.

To maintain security in Afghanistan, forty-two countries participate in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), including the United States and European nations.

U.S. President Barack Obama blamed chemical attacks squarely on Syrian President Bashar Assad and said that the ideals and principles of the United States as well as its national security are at stake due to the use of chemical weapons.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s national security team was rounded out by the nomination of Chuck Hagel as defense secretary and John Brennan as head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

We are considering using the company’s shares as security to secure the necessary funds.

We need to enhance the security of information networks by preventing leaks of personal information and averting the spread of computer viruses.

We will continue to focus on the Asia-Pacific, where we support our allies, shape a future of greater security and prosperity.

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