sex offender

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

sex offender

性犯罪者 (=sex criminal [fiend], sexual offender)

sex offenderの関連語句

sex offenderの用例

According to the National Police Agency, about 4,000 to 5,000 cases of sexual violence against children are recorded every year, and many sex offenders tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse.

As many sex offenders against children tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse, it is difficult for them to reintegrate into society after they completed their terms.

Counseling by clinical psychotherapists, which is effective in helping sex offenders control their sexual impulses, is already offered to prison inmates.

The government has been considering mandating the use of GPS monitoring devices among repeat sex offenders as a way of preventing recidivism and alleviating the anxiety of sex crime victims.

To prevent the repeat of sexual crimes by some sex offenders who have mental disorders such as sexual addiction, it is essential to provide appropriate treatment through cooperation between medical institutions and correction and rehabilitation facilities.

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