
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(副)鋭く 急に 急激に 急速に 一気に 鮮明に 際立って 激しく 強烈に 大幅に 大きく 著しく 厳しく ひじょうに たいへん 辛辣(しんらつ)に 素早く 機敏に



After a news conference following the BOJ’s policy meeting, the market reacted favorably and the Nikkei 225 index in the Tokyo market climbed sharply, while the pace of the yen’s depreciation was spurred rapidly.

A Malaysian airliner was brought down by a ground-to-air missile over the eastern Ukraine, which sharply raised the stakes in a conflict that has set the West and Russia at daggers drawn.

ANA decided to hold down its markup because it thought demand for its international flights would sharply decrease if it continued to raise fuel surcharges.

Business leaders are voicing concern about excessive depreciation of the Japanese currency as it would sharply raise the cost of crude oil and LNG.

Core private-sector machinery orders, a key early gauge of corporate capital spending, fell sharply in March.

Despite the fact that automotive exhaust accounts for a sharply shrinking proportion of air pollution, some state environmental agencies would mandate the sale of a certain number of electric cars, they would propose use of alternative fuels that are not required by the Clean Air Act, or they would develop “trip reduction” plans that go so far as to fine businesses that don’t get enough employees to carpool.

Domestic lending growth has been decelerating sharply since peaking last month.

Due to the turmoil that followed the regime change, Egypt’s external balance of payments deteriorated and foreign reserves dropped sharply.

Food imports from China declined sharply after the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, but now the figure has almost returned to the levels recorded prior to the incident.

India’s demand for power has increased sharply with the high growth of its economy.

In the 2012 final presidential debate between U.S. president Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the two rivals squared off and Obama sharply challenged Romney on foreign policy.

In the wake of the euro crisis in Europe and the fiscal deadlock in the United States, the yen has sharply strengthened.

On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the 225-issue Nikkei index fell sharply Thursday, ending the day at 12,445, down 843 points from Wednesday’s dose.

Orders for commercial aircrafts, which had fallen sharply in June, rebounded strongly in July.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sharply criticized U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration for its mismanagement of the country in his acceptance speech.

Stock prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange dropped sharply due to a surge in investors selling shares out of fears that cash flowing into the market may dwindle.

The company’s stock prices have fallen sharply as the extent of its massive losses due to the subprime mortgage crisis became evident.

The deficit in goods trade in the first half of 2012 expanded sharply due to a surge in imports of fuel for thermal power generation following the suspensions of nuclear power plants.

The number of people inhaling or consuming certain types of herbs for stimulatory or hallucinatory effects has sharply risen in Tokyo.

The rule of asset impairment accounting requires companies to post valuation losses on fixed assets whose market value has fallen sharply from their book value.

The thick smog containing PM2.5 particles, which can penetrate deep inside the lungs, causing asthma, bronchitis and lung cancer, has been generated in various Chinese cities, and the number of people with respiratory ailments has sharply increased.

U.S. businesses cut back sharply on hiring in August and put pressure on the FRB to give the sluggish economy another jolt.

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1 鋭く

2 急角度で,急に

turn sharply

2a 急激に

decrease [fall, drop] sharply

3 明確に,くっきり[はっきり]と

This contrasts sharply with our results.

3a ((略式))きりっとしまって,いきに,スマートに

4 厳しく,辛らつに,痛烈に(批判して)

5 鋭敏に,敏速に;抜け目なく

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例