英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
(動)(タバコを)吸う[ふかす] 喫煙する (煙で)いぶす 燻製にする (いぶして)ハムを作る (ガラスを)黒く着色する (虫などを)駆除する[いぶして殺す] (植物を)噴霧消毒する 燻蒸消毒する (自動) 喫煙する マリファナを吸う 煙を出す[吐く] 噴煙を上げる 湯気を立てる (ストーブなどが)くすぶる (名)煙 実体のないもの はかないもの 喫煙 一服 タバコ 麻薬 マリファナ 大都市
As a serious environmental pollution in Beijing, the concentration of particulate matter 2.5 micrometers in diameter or less, known as PM2.5 and found per cubic meter in smoke from factories and exhaust gas from automobiles, briefly rose to nearly 40 times the safe limit in the guideline set by the World Health Organization.
In Beijing, there is overwhelming air pollution caused by particulate matter called PM2.5, and it has been reported a one-day stay in the city is the equivalent of smoking 21 cigarettes.
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